Belkin F5D5231-4 v3

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4-Port Router
3rd Party Firmware
Tomato any flavor
Belkin F5D5231-4 v3
CPU1 checkY
Infineon ADM5120P
CPU1 Type
MIPS 4Kc Little Endian
CPU1 Speed
not specified
Flash1 Chip
Macronix MX29LV800BTC-70
Flash1 Size
1 MiB1,048,576 B <br />8,192 Kib <br />1,024 KiB <br />8 Mib <br />9.765625e-4 GiB <br />
RAM1 Size
4 MiB4,194,304 B <br />32,768 Kib <br />4,096 KiB <br />32 Mib <br />0.00391 GiB <br />
RAM1 Chip
Winbond W981616CH-6 x 2
ETH chip1
Infineon ADM5120P
Infineon ADM5120P

Ethernet OUI: 00:0E:2E (2 E, 13 W)

Stock FW OS
Nucleus RTOS
Expansion IF types
none specified
12 VDC, 0.5 A
Connector type
5 mm (OD)
2.5 mm (ID)
10 mm (LEN)
Serial Port (UART)
yes, internal, 4-pin header, populated, 3.3V TTL, (115200 8N1)

Default IP address:
the IP is used by 297 additional devices
of which 99 are Belkin devices

(Est.) release date March 2005
Country of manuf China

For a list of all currently documented Infineon (Lantiq) chipsets with specifications, see Infineon.

For a list of all currently documented Belkin device with specifications, see Belkin.


"1244-00000382-010" and "Rev.A" is silkscreened on the board of the unit shown below.

A date code of 0512 (March 2005) is etched onto the bottom of the board.. and is the basis for the release estimate in this entry.
Caps on this board are S.Y. branded.

Info derived from the serial dumps below would seem to indicate the stock firmware is using the Nucleus RTOS.

JTAG-Serial Info


Serial Pinouts


Info derived from

boot log
ADM5120 Boot:+P

                            NetMall System Boot

Copyright 2002-2003  ADMtek, Inc.

CPU: ADM5120 Home Gateway Processor
POST Version: 2.02.0154
Creation Date: 2005.01.31

Press <space> key three times to stop autoboot...

Verifying product code......PASS
Boot Product Code!!!
DHCPC:DHCP Client Started.
Setting well_known IP

DHCPS:DHCP Server Started.
IpDefenseCfg_Config.status = 1

  Renaissance project:
    Command Line Interface. v.3.01.03 2005.03.23

waiting for data on port TCP 10101
cmd> help
cmd> help

            Command Line Interface v0.01
rmem      : Read memory.
        Usage : rmem <Address> [Num of Words]
wmem      : Write memory.
        Usage : wmem <Address> <Data0> [Data1] ... [Data7]
rmi       : read mii phy register.
        Usage : rmi <phy addr> <reg>
wmi       : write mii phy register.
        Usage : wmi <phy addr> <reg> <Data>
time      : Get current system time.
        Usage : time
settime   : Set system time.
        Usage : settime <hh:mm:ss> [yy/mm/dd] [TZ(GMT +/- hour)]
help      : List all commands.
        Usage : help
mkdir     : Make directories.
        Usage : mkdir <dir>
create    : Create files.
        Usage : create <file>
cat       : Concatenate files.
        Usage : cat <file>

 Press [q] to quit, any other key to continue..

ls        : List directory contents.
        Usage : ls [dir]
rm        : Remove files.
        Usage : rm <file>
rmdir     : Remove directories.
        Usage : rmdir <DIRECTORY>
copy      : Copy files.
        Usage : copy <source> <destination>
nvclear   : Clear all of the NVFS files.
        Usage : nvclear
routeShow : Show Route.
        Usage : routeShow
mbufShow  : Show Mbuf statistics.
        Usage : mbufShow
ifShow    : Dispaly network interface.
        Usage : ifShow <ifname>
ifAllShow : Dispaly all network interface.
        Usage : ifAllShow
taskShow  : Show Task informations.
        Usage : taskShow

 Press [q] to quit, any other key to continue..

semShow   : Show Semaphore informations.
        Usage : semShow
timerShow : Show Timer informations.
        Usage : timerShow
memShow   : Show memory pool informations.
        Usage : memShow
msgqShow  : Show message queue informations.
        Usage : msgqShow
eventShow : Show event group informations.
        Usage : eventShow
knlShow   : Show kernel resource informations.
        Usage : knlShow
ipConfig  : Configure interface address and subnet mask.
        Usage : ipConfig [ifname] [ip] [subnet mask]
ipStatus  : Change IP status. 1 for Enabled, 2 for Disabled..
        Usage : ipStatus [ifname] [status]
ipAdd     : Add alias IP address..
        Usage : ipAdd [ifname] [ip] [netmask]
ipDel     : Delete alias IP address..
        Usage : ipAdd [ifname] [ip] [netmask]

 Press [q] to quit, any other key to continue..

arpAdd    : Add an ARP entry to ARP table..
        Usage : arpAdd [ip] <Ethernet Address>
arpDel    : Delete an ARP entry..
        Usage : arpDel [ip]
arpGet    : Get the hardware address of a specify IP..
        Usage : arpGet [ip]
arpFlush  : Flush ARP table..
        Usage : arpFlush [ifname]
ping      : Ping a host..
        Usage : ping [ip] [ms]
dhcpcRelease: Release the IP address for the specified interface..
        Usage : dhcpcRelease [ifname]
dhcpcRenew: Renew the IP address for the specified interface..
        Usage : dhcpcRenew [ifname]
dhcpcLog  : Show dhcpclog..
        Usage : dhcpcLog
dhcpcLogTest: Test dhcpclog..
        Usage : dhcpcLogTest [line_num]
dhcpsStart: Start DHCP Server..
        Usage : dhcpsStart

 Press [q] to quit, any other key to continue..

dhcpsStop : Stop DHCP Server..
        Usage : dhcpsStop
dhcpsAddIp: Add static IP to the DHCP server.
        Usage : dhcpsAddIp [mac(00-00-00-00-00-00)] [ip(]
dhcpsDelIp: Delete static IP from the DHCP server.
        Usage : dhcpsDelIp [ip(]
dhcpsBindingNum: Print binding number of the DHCP server.
        Usage : dhcpsBindingNum
dhcpsShowStatic: Print static IP of the DHCP server.
        Usage : dhcpsShowStatic
natShow   : Show NAT link table information.
        Usage : natShow
natStart  : Enable NAT function.
        Usage : natStart
natStop   : Disabled NAT function.
        Usage : natStop
bindShow  : Show NAT bind table information.
        Usage : bindShow
upnpPMShow: Show UPnP port mapping table information.
        Usage : upnpPMShow

 Press [q] to quit, any other key to continue..

triggerPort: Set trigger port, when public port num is 0 will delete this entry..
        Usage : triggerPort [index] [port] <protocol> [public port num] [start] [end] [protocol]....
triggerShow: Show trigger port information.
        Usage : triggerShow
icqShow   : Show ICQ link information.
        Usage : icqShow
mmsShow   : Show MMS link information.
        Usage : mmsShow
gethostbyname: gethostbyname.
        Usage : gethostbyname
tftpc     : TFTP client.
        Usage : tftpc <GET|PUT> <host> <remotename> <localname>
tftps     : Start TFTP server.
        Usage : tftps [dir] [timeout]
update    : Update runtime code (need to download image file "download" to /tmp).
        Usage : update
setAccessHost: Add/delete access host.
        Usage : setAccessHost [NET(xx.xx.xx.xx)] [MASK (xx.xx.xx.xx)] <index>
accessHostShow: Show access host information.
        Usage : accessHostShow

 Press [q] to quit, any other key to continue..

ripStart  : Enable RIP .
        Usage : ripStart <version>
ripStop   : Disable RIP .
        Usage : ripStop
ripShow   : Show RIP table .
        Usage : ripShow
connectTest: Test the Connecting mode. .
        Usage : connectTest [testing number]
upnp      : UPnP switch. .
        Usage : upnp [on/off]
upnpTest  : Test UPnP. .
        Usage : upnpTest [times]
cmd> ifShow
cmd> ifShow
lo (unit number 0):
     Internet address:
     Netmask 0xff000000 Subnetmask 0xff000000
     Metric is 0
     Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1536
     0 packets received; 0 packets sent
     0 multicast packets received
     0 multicast packets sent
     0 input errors; 0 output errors
     0 collisions; 0 dropped
adm (unit number 0):
     Internet address:
     Broadcast address:
     Netmask 0xffffff00 Subnetmask 0xffffff00
     Ethernet address is 00:0e:2e:5d:8e:b7
     Metric is 0
     Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1500
     0 packets received; 17 packets sent
     0 multicast packets received
     17 multicast packets sent
     0 input errors; 0 output errors
     0 collisions; 0 dropped
adm (unit number 1):
     Ethernet address is 00:0e:2e:5d:8e:b8
     Metric is 0
     Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1500
     0 packets received; 9 packets sent
     0 multicast packets received
     0 multicast packets sent
     0 input errors; 0 output errors
     0 collisions; 0 dropped
cmd> taskShow
cmd> taskShow

Task Table List
   Name            Priority         Status
0. KnlTask         0        QUEUE_SUSPEND
1. tNetTas         50       SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND
2. tNvTask         100      SLEEP_SUSPEND
3. tDhcpcT         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
4. tDnsPro         100      SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND
5. tDhcpsT         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
6. tSntpc          100      READY
7. tHttpD          100      SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND
8. tHtpTsk         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
9. clitask         5        READY
10. tUpnpD          100      READY
11. tUpnpTs         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
12. tEasyCo         100      SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND
13. tDhcpPi         100      SLEEP_SUSPEND
14. powerbu         100      SLEEP_SUSPEND
cmd> memShow
cmd> memShow

Memory Pool List
   Name            StartAddr  Size  MinAlloc Available    Type TasksWaiting
0. ShaMem          0x803F0000 65536     48      30896     FIFO          0
1. KenMem          0x802EB800 1067008   48      334292    FIFO          0
2. DskMem          0x80235000 747520    48      388       FIFO          0
3. UsrMem          0x80190394 674924    48      419956    FIFO          0
cmd> knlShow
cmd> knlShow

Task Table List
   Name            Priority         Status
0. KnlTask         0        QUEUE_SUSPEND
1. tNetTas         50       READY
2. tNvTask         100      READY
3. tDhcpcT         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
4. tDnsPro         100      SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND
5. tDhcpsT         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
6. tSntpc          100      READY
7. tHttpD          100      READY
8. tHtpTsk         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
9. clitask         5        READY
10. tUpnpD          100      SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND
11. tUpnpTs         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
12. tEasyCo         100      SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND
13. tDhcpPi         100      SLEEP_SUSPEND
14. powerbu         100      SLEEP_SUSPEND

Memory Pool List
   Name            StartAddr  Size  MinAlloc Available    Type TasksWaiting
0. ShaMem          0x803F0000 65536     48      30896     FIFO          0
1. KenMem          0x802EB800 1067008   48      333716    FIFO          0
2. DskMem          0x80235000 747520    48      388       FIFO          0
3. UsrMem          0x80190394 674924    48      420024    FIFO          0

Semaphore Table List
   Name             Type      Count  TasksWaitting
0. MFS_SEM         FIFO      1       0
1. netSem          FIFO      0       1
2. splSem          FIFO      1       0
3. hosttbl         FIFO      1       0
4. mblksem         PRIORITY  1       0
5. mclsem          PRIORITY  1       0
6. FLSH            FIFO      1       0
7. sio_Rx0         FIFO      0       0
8. sio_RT0         FIFO      0       0
9. NVRAM           FIFO      1       0
10. downloa         FIFO      1       0
11. user_cf         FIFO      1       0
12. pppoe_c         FIFO      1       0
13. pptp_cf         FIFO      1       0
14. dhcpc_c         FIFO      1       0
15. dhcpcLo         FIFO      1       0
16. DhcpcSe         FIFO      1       0
17. dhcpcMu         FIFO      1       0
18. dhcpcEv         FIFO      1       0
19. dhcp_ti         FIFO      1       0
20. leaseSe         FIFO      1       0
21. ip_cfg          FIFO      1       0
22. nat_cfg         FIFO      1       0
23. route_c         FIFO      1       0
24. dns_rel         FIFO      1       0
25. dhcps_c         FIFO      1       0
26. time_zo         FIFO      1       0
27. sntpc_c         FIFO      1       0
28. sotSem          FIFO      1       0
29. sorSem          FIFO      1       0
30. sosSem          FIFO      1       0
31. ip_fire         FIFO      1       0
32. ip_defe         FIFO      1       0
33. ip_filt         FIFO      1       0
34. url_fil         FIFO      1       0
35. http_cf         FIFO      1       0
36. access_         FIFO      1       0
37. ethftr_         FIFO      1       0
38. upnp_cf         FIFO      1       0
39. sotSem          FIFO      1       0
40. sorSem          FIFO      1       0
41. sosSem          FIFO      1       0
42. sotSem          FIFO      1       0
43. sorSem          FIFO      1       0
44. sosSem          FIFO      1       0
45. sotSem          FIFO      1       0
46. sorSem          FIFO      1       0
47. sosSem          FIFO      1       0
48. sotSem          FIFO      1       0
49. sorSem          FIFO      1       0

Timer Table List
   Name            Status    InitialTime Expirations
0. t0              Enable    100        0
<.. the system crashes at this point (or before)>

bootloader info

text on autoboot abort
ADM5120 Boot:+P

                            NetMall System Boot

Copyright 2002-2003  ADMtek, Inc.

CPU: ADM5120 Home Gateway Processor
POST Version: 2.02.0154
Creation Date: 2005.01.31

Press <space> key three times to stop autoboot...

Net Routing Table:
Destination     Gateway           NetMask         Flags   Used Hops Interface

     POST Menu
[1] Xmodem Download
[2] TFTP Client Download
[3] TFTP Server Download
[4] Print Boot Params
[5] Set Boot Params
[6] Set Boot Mode
[7] Exit

Please enter your number:
boot params
Please enter your number: 4

Print Boot Parameters.

Serial number: 506B3000725

Hardware version: F5D5231-4

Mac addres: 00-0e-2e-5d-8e-b7
Number of Mac address: 2

Number of configured interface: 0


User Images


Included PSU(s)

The power adapter included with the device is a DVE DVR-1250-B11. ID/OD/Len measurements used in the main infobox are approximate.

DVE DVR-1250-B11 (more)
Input: 120 VAC ~ 60 Hz, ? A
 Input connector: NEMA 1-15P
Style: large, vertical  Eff. level: 3
Output: 12 VDC, 0.5 A
 Output connector: barrel (center +)
 OD: ??  ID: ??  LEN: ??