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Hitachi DK221A-34

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HITACHI DK221A-34 (1993) - 340MB, 2.5"/SSL, ATA2 FAST HDD
Brand • Model • Rev
Hitachi DK221A-34
Form factor
Rotation Speed
42004,200 RPM <br />
Flash1 Size
? MiB
RAM1 Size
? MiB
Vendor stated capacity: 340 MB0.317 GiB <br />3.091032e-4 TiB <br />324.118 MiB <br />0.34 GB <br />339,862,573.88 B <br />
Usable capacity: ? GiB
Country of manuf Japan


Technical Specifications

  • Product Type: Internal Hard Drive
  • Spindle Speed: 4464 RPM
  • Form Factor: 2.5-inch
  • Capacity: 340 MB
  • Cache: 64 KB


Specifications • >>
D K 2 2 1 A - 3 4   ( 1 9 9 3 )    HITACHI
NO MORE PRODUCED                                      Native|  Translation
Form                 2.5"/SUPERSLIMLINE    Cylinders    1967|  692|     |
Capacity form/unform   340/      MB        Heads           4|   16|     |
Seek time   / track  13.0/ 4.5 ms          Sector/track     |   60|     |
Controller           IDE / ATA2 FAST/ENHA  Precompensation
Cache/Buffer            64 KB LOOK-AHEAD   Landing Zone      692
Data transfer rate    4.000 MB/S int       Bytes/Sector      512
                      8.000 MB/S ext PIO2
Recording method     RLL 1/7                        operating  | non-operating
Supply voltage     5 V          Temperature *C         5 55    |    -40 70
Power: sleep              W     Humidity     %        19 90    |      8 90
       standby            W     Altitude    km            3.000|        12.000
       idle               W     Shock        g       100       |    150
       seek           4.0 W     Rotation   RPM      4464
       read/write         W     Acoustic   dBA        34
       spin-up            W     ECC        Bit
                                MTBF         h     300000
                                Warranty Month
Lift/Lock/Park     YES          Certificates

                        L   A   Y   O   U   T
HITACHI  DK211A-51/68/DK221A-34  SPECIFICATIONS K6600648 1993

       | B D f 2 4 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 44|
       | A C e 1 3 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 43|

                      J   U   M   P   E   R   S

 Jumper Setting

 Master/Slave Setting
 When the drive is connected to the host bus, Master/Slave setting is
 necessary to configure a drive as a master or a slave.

 Master/Slave setting is established between drives on the interface
 connector by using jumper 0-2 (pin# A,B,C).

 The master drive is assigned to drive address 0, the slave drive is
 assigned to drive address 1.

 (1) Master (or single)

  | o o ----------- o o o   o o | If all of pin# A, B, C are open,
  | o o ----------- o o o   o o | the drive is a master (or single).

 (2) Slave

  | o o ----------- o o o   o X | If Jumper Position A*B is used,
  | o o ----------- o o o   o X | the drive is slave.

 (3) CSEL Selection

  | o o ----------- o o o   xxx | If Jumper Position A*C is used,
  | o o ----------- o o o   o o | Master/Slave setting is determinated
  +44-------------------2---D-B-+ by the condition of CSEL signal
                                  (pin# 28).

 Connector Pin Assignments

   Pin  | Function       | Pin  | Function
    A   | JUMPER 0       |  B   | JUMPER 1
    C   | JUMPER 2       |  D   | RESERVED
    E   | KEY (REMOVED)  |  F   | KEY (REMOVED)
    1   | RESET-         |  2   | GND
    3   | DD7            |  4   | DD8
    5   | DD6            |  6   | DD9
    7   | DD5            |  8   | DD10
    9   | DD4            | 10   | DD11
   11   | DD3            | 12   | DD12
   13   | DD2            | 14   | DD13
   15   | DD1            | 16   | DD14
   17   | DD0            | 18   | DD15
   19   | GND            | 20   | KEY (REMOVED)
   21   | DMARQ          | 22   | GND
   23   | DIOW-          | 24   | GND
   25   | DIOR-          | 26   | GND
   27   | IORDY          | 28   | CSEL
   29   | DMACK-         | 30   | GND
   31   | INTRQ          | 32   | IOCS16-
   33   | DA1            | 34   | PSIAG-
   35   | DA0            | 36   | DA2
   37   | CS1FX-         | 38   | CS3FX
   39   | DASP-          | 40   | GND (MOTOR)
   41   | 5VDC (LOGIC)   | 42   | 5VDC (MOTOR)
   43   | GND (LOGIC)    | 44   | RESERVED

 Description of the Interface Signals
 The interface is an ATA (IDE) interface. Reserved pins should be
 left unconnected. The following table shows the signal definitions.
 "I" of I/O type represents an input signal for the drive and "O"
 represents an input signal from the drive.
 |Signal name | Pin |I/O type| Description                           |
 |RESET-      |  1  |   I    | This is a reset signal output from the|
 |            |     |        | host system and to be used for inter- |
 |            |     |        | face logical circuit.                 |
 |DD0-DD15    | 3-18|  I/O   | This is a 16 bit directional bus. The |
 |            |     |        | lower 8 bits are used for register    |
 |            |     |        | access other than data register.      |
 |DIOW-       | 23  |   I    | The rising edge of this Write Strobe  |
 |            |     |        | signal enables data from a register on|
 |            |     |        | the drive.                            |
 |DIOR-       | 25  |   I    | Activating this Read Strobe signal    |
 |            |     |        | enables data from a register on the   |
 |            |     |        | drive to be clocked onto the host data|
 |            |     |        | bus. The rising edge of this signal   |
 |            |     |        | latches data at the host.             |
 |IORDY       | 27  |   O    | This signal is used to temporarily    |
 |            |     |        | stop the host register access (read or|
 |            |     |        | write) when the drive is not ready to |
 |            |     |        | respond to a data transfer request.   |
 |CSEL        | 28  |   I    | This signal is used to configure a    |
 |            |     |        | drive as either Drive 0 or 1 when CSEL|
 |            |     |        | mode is selected. This signal is      |
 |            |     |        | pulled up inside the drive.           |
 |            |     |        |   +-----+--------------+              |
 |            |     |        |   |CSEL |Drive address |              |
 |            |     |        |   +-----+--------------+              |
 |            |     |        |   |GND  |     0        |              |
 |            |     |        |   +-----+--------------+              |
 |            |     |        |   |OPEN |     1        |              |
 |            |     |        |   +-----+--------------+              |
 |INTRQ       | 31  |   O    | This is an interruption signal for the|
 |            |     |        | host system. This signal is asserted  |
 |            |     |        | by a selected drive when the nIEN bit |
 |            |     |        | in the Device Control Register is "0".|
 |            |     |        | In other cases, this signal should be |
 |            |     |        | a high impedance state.               |
 |IOCS16-     | 32  |   O    | This signal indicates to the host that|
 |            |     |        | the 16 bis data port has been         |
 |            |     |        | addressed an a 16 bit word can be read|
 |            |     |        | or written to the drive.              |
 |DA0-2       |33,35|   I    | This is a register address signal from|
 |            | 36  |        | the host system.                      |
 |PDIAG-      | 34  |  I/O   | This signal is asserted by Drive 1 to |
 |            |     |        | indicate to Drive 0 that it has       |
 |            |     |        | completed diagnostics. This signal is |
 |            |     |        | pulled up inside the drive.           |
 |CS1FX-      | 37  |   I    | This drive chip selection signal is   |
 |            |     |        | used to select the Command Block      |
 |            |     |        | Registers from the host system.       |
 |CS3FX-      | 38  |   I    | This drive chip selection signal is   |
 |            |     |        | used to select the Control Block      |
 |            |     |        | Registers from the host system.       |
 |DASP-       | 39  |  I/O   | This signal indicates that a drive is |
 |            |     |        | active or that Drive 1 is present     |
 |            |     |        | when power is turned on.              |
 |DMARQ       | 21  |   O    | This signal, used for DMA data        |
 |            |     |        | transfers between host and drive,     |
 |            |     |        | shall be asserted by the drive when   |
 |            |     |        | it is ready to transfer data.         |
 |DMACK-      | 29  |   I    | This signal shall be used by the host |
 |            |     |        | in reponse to DMARQ to either         |
 |            |     |        | acknowledge that data has been        |
 |            |     |        | accepted, or that data is available.  |

                      I   N   S   T   A   L   L

 Notes On Installation

 This device has 2mm pitch interface connector which contains a power
 line. The connector part list is shown in the following table.
  |Interface cable side| Signal Connector| molex 87259-4413     |
  |                    | Receptacle      | or equivalent        |
  |                    +-----------------+----------------------+
  |                    | Cable           | AWG#28 or equivalent |
  |Drive side          | Signal Connector| molex 87400-5001 or  |
  |                    | Plug            | equivalent           |

 The I/O signal levels are as follows:

  Input signal   High level  +2.0V   Vcc+0.5V
                 Low level   -0.5V   0.8V

  Output signal  High level  +2.4V   +5.25V or an open circuit
                 Low level   +0.4V or less (IOL=2mA)
                             +0.5V or less (IOL=24mA)

 The I/F cable should be no longer than 45.7cm (include the circuit
 pattern length in the host system).

                      F   E   A   T   U   R   E  S
HITACHI  DK211A/DK221A  SPECIFICATIONS K6600648 1993/1995

 The DK211/221 series disk driv embodies large capacity such as 680MB,
 510MB (19mm height) and 340MB (12.5mm height) in spite of the small
 size (2.5 inch) by applying the latest high-density record
 technology. It provides high performances such as 14ms of average
 seeking time and up to 8MB of transmission rate (Pio mode2).

 It also realizes high long-run reliability by reducing the number
 of parts dramatically and controlling the quality severely. Compared
 with 3.5 inch disk drives, the DK211/221 series disk drives improves
 power consumption economy drastically. It supports the standard ATA
 (IDE) interface.
Click on the model number below to see 
the specification and jumper setting page.


    DK110A-13	    128	    1.8"/SSL	    IDE / AT
    DK120P-13	    130	    PCMCIA III	    PCMCIA
    DK211A-51	    510	    2.5"/SSL	    ATA2 FAST (1993)
    DK211A-51	    510	    2.5"/SSL	    ATA2 FAST (1995)
    DK211A-54	    540	    2.5"/SSL	    ATA2 FAST
    DK211A-68	    680	    2.5"/SSL	    ATA2 FAST (1993)
    DK211A-68	    680	    2.5"/SSL	    ATA2 FAST (1995)
    DK211C-51	    510	    2.5"/SSL	    SCSI2 FAST
    DK212A-10	   1080     2.5"/SSL	    ATA2 FAST
    DK212A-81	    810	    2.5"/SSL	    ATA2 FAST
    DK213A-13	   1350     2.5"/SSL	    ATA2 FAST
    DK213A-18	   1800     2.5"/SSL	    ATA2 FAST
    DK221A-34	    340	    2.5"/SSL	    ATA2 FAST (1993)
    DK221A-34	    340	    2.5"/SSL	    ATA2 FAST (1995)
    DK222A-54	    540	    2.5"/SSL	    ATA2 FAST
    DK223A-11	   1080	    2.5"/SSL	    ATA2 FAST
    DK223A-81	    810	    2.5"/SSL	    ATA2 FAST
    DK224A-14	   1440	    2.5"/SSL	    ATA2 FAST
    DK225A-14	   1440	    2.5"/SSL	    ATA3
    DK225A-21	   2160	    2.5"/SSL	    ATA3 ENHAN
    DK226A-21	   2160	    2.5"/SSL	    ATA3
    DK226A-32	   3240	    2.5"/SSL	    ATA3
    DK227A-41	   4090	    2.5"/SSL	    ATA3 ULTRA
    DK227A-50	   5000	    2.5"/SSL	    ATA3 ULTRA
    DK312C-20	    209	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI1 SE
    DK312C-25	    240	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI1 SE
    DK315C-10	   1005	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI2 FAST
    DK315C-10D	   1005	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI2 DIFF
    DK315C-11	   1105	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI2 FAST
    DK315C-14	   1438	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI2 FAST
    DK315C-14D	   1438	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI2 DIFF
    DK315C-15	   1437	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI2 DIFF
    DK318H-91WC	   9100	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI3 W/UL
    DK319H-18FC	  18200	    3.5"/HH	    FIBRE
    DK319H-18N	  18200	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI2 FAST
    DK319H-18U	  18200	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI3 ULTR
    DK319H-18UW	  18200	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI3 WIDE
    DK319H-18UW2  18200	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI3 WIDE
    DK319H-18W	  18200	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI2 WIDE
    DK324C-15A	    150	    3.5"/SL	    SCSI1 SE
    DK324C-21A	    215	    3.5"/SL	    SCSI1 SE
    DK326C-10	   1005	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI2 FAST
    DK326C-10WD	   1005	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI2 D/W
    DK326C-6	    601	    3.5"/SL	    SCSI2 FAST
    DK326C-6WD	    601	    3.5"/SL	    SCSI2 D/W
    DK328C-10	   1050	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI2 FAST
    DK328C-10 DIF  1050	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI2 DIFF
    DK328C-10 WIDE 1050	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI2 WIDE
    DK328C-21	   2100	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI2 FAST
    DK328C-21 DIF  2100	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI2 DIFF
    DK328C-21 WIDE 2100	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI2 WIDE
    DK328C-43	   4300	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI2 FAST
    DK328C-43 DIF  4300	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI2 DIFF
    DK328C-43 WIDE 4300	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI2 WIDE
    DK328H-43	   4370	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI3 FAST
    DK329H-91FC	   9100	    3.5"/SL	    FIBRE
    DK329H-91N	   9100	    3.5"/SL	    SCSI2 FAST
    DK329H-91U	   9100	    3.5"/SL	    SCSI3 ULTR
    DK329H-91UW	   9100	    3.5"/SL	    SCSI3 WIDE
    DK329H-91UW2   9100	    3.5"/HH	    SCSI3 WIDE
    DK329H-91W	   9100	    3.5"/SL	    SCSI2 WIDE
    DK511-3	     30	    5.25"/FH	    MFM ST506
    DK511-5	     40	    5.25"/FH	    MFM ST506
    DK511-8	     68	    5.25"/FH	    MFM ST506
    DK512A-12	     94	    5.25"/FH	    ESDI
    DK512A-8	     67	    5.25"/FH	    ESDI
    DK512C-12	    102	    5.25"/FH	    SCSI1 SE
    DK512C-8	     73	    5.25"/FH	    SCSI1 SE
    DK512S-12	     94	    5.25"/FH	    SMD
    DK512S-8	     67	    5.25"/FH	    SMD
    DK514-38	    330	    5.25"/FH	    ESDI
    DK514C-38	    321	    5.25"/FH	    SCSI1 SE
    DK514S-38D	    330	    5.25"/FH	    ESMD
    DK514S-38S	    330	    5.25"/FH	    ESMD
    DK515-78	    673	    5.25"/FH	    ESDI
    DK515C-78	    670	    5.25"/FH	    SCSI1 SE
    DK515C-78D	    670	    5.25"/FH	    SCSI1 DIFF
    DK516-12	   1056	    5.25"/FH	    ESDI
    DK516-15	   1321	    5.25"/FH	    ESDI
    DK516C-16	   1288	    5.25"/FH	    SCSI1 SE
    DK516C-16D	   1288	    5.25"/FH	    SCSI1 DIFF
    DK517C-26	   2050	    5.25"/FH	    SCSI2 FAST
    DK517C-37	   2873	    5.25"/FH	    SCSI2 FAST
    DK517C-37D	   2873	    5.25"/FH	    SCSI2 DIFF


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