Linksys WRT54G-TM

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bg (G54)
Wireless-G Broadband Router
Linksys WRT54G-TMa0.jpg
InfoDepot Wiki
3rd Party Firmware
Tomato any flavor
Linksys WRT54G-TM v1.1
Serial number prefix
CO6, CO61
Board ID
wireless router
CPU1 checkY
CPU1 Type
CPU1 Speed
200 MHz
Flash1 Chip
Intel JS28F640J3D75A
Flash1 Size
8 MiB8,388,608 B <br />65,536 Kib <br />8,192 KiB <br />64 Mib <br />0.00781 GiB <br /> (Parallel)
RAM1 Size
32 MiB33,554,432 B <br />262,144 Kib <br />32,768 KiB <br />256 Mib <br />0.0313 GiB <br />
RAM1 Chip
SK hynix HY5DU561622ETP-D43
nvram Size
ETH chip1
Ethernet Port Count
Wired Standard
IEEE 802.3/3u

802dot11 OUI: 00:1C:10 (9 E, 16 W), 00:1A:70 (9 E, 15 W)
Ethernet OUI: 00:1C:10 (9 E, 16 W), 00:1A:70 (9 E, 15 W)

Stock bootloader
Stock FW OS
Expansion IF types
none specified
12 VDC, 1 A
Connector type
Serial Port (UART)
yes, 10-pin header, unpopulated, , (115200 8N1)
yes, 12-pin header, unpopulated

Default SSID: @HomeXXXX (2 addl. devices)
Default IP address:
the IP is used by 814 additional devices
of which 6 are Linksys devices
Default login user: blank
Default login password: admin
blank:admin credentials used by 282 additional devices
of which 135 are Linksys devices

3rd Party Firmware Support
Availability End of Life
FCC approval date 31 May 2005
UPC 745883567638
(UPC DB, On eBay)
ASIN B001LYHB38 Flag of the United States.svg
Country of manuf China
Green/Amber SES LED = White/Amber
7.32" x 1.89" x 6.06"
Radio 1
Broadcom BCM2050
Wireless interface OUI
Antenna Connector Type
Wireless Standard
IEEE 802.11b/g
up to 54 Mbps
up to 11 Mbps
WiFi Operating Frequency
2.4 GHz
Radio cor_rev
Radio Capabilities
ap sta wet led wme 802.11d 802.11h rm cqa mbss4 afterburner acktiming
Linksys WRT54G v4Q87-WT54GV40
Linksys WRT54G-RGQ87-WT54GV40
Linksys WRT54GL v1.0Q87-WT54GV40
Linksys WRT54GL v1.1Q87-WT54GV40
Linksys WRT54GS v3Q87-WT54GV40
Linksys WRT54GS v4Q87-WT54GV40
Linksys WRT54GS v5.0Q87-WT54GV40
Linksys WRT54GS v5.1Q87-WT54GV40
 CPU1 brandRadio1 chip1 brandRadio1 chip2 brand
Linksys WRT54G v1.0BroadcomBroadcomBroadcom
Linksys WRT54G v1.1BroadcomBroadcomBroadcom
Linksys WRT54G v2.0BroadcomBroadcomBroadcom
Linksys WRT54G v2.2BroadcomBroadcomBroadcom
Linksys WRT54G v3.0BroadcomBroadcomBroadcom
Linksys WRT54G v3.1BroadcomBroadcomBroadcom
Linksys WRT54G v4BroadcomBroadcomBroadcom
Linksys WRT54G v5.0BroadcomBroadcomBroadcom
Linksys WRT54G v5.1BroadcomBroadcomBroadcom
Linksys WRT54G v5.2BroadcomBroadcomBroadcom
Linksys WRT54G v6.0BroadcomBroadcomBroadcom
Linksys WRT54G v7.0AtherosAtheros
Linksys WRT54G v7.2BroadcomBroadcom
Linksys WRT54G v8.0BroadcomBroadcom
Linksys WRT54G v8.1BroadcomBroadcom
Linksys WRT54G v8.2BroadcomBroadcom
Linksys WRT54G-TMBroadcomBroadcomBroadcom
Linksys WRT54GHRalinkRalink
Linksys WRT54GP2MarvellMarvellMarvell
Linksys WRT54GP2A-ATIntel XScaleInprocommRFMD

For a list of all currently documented Broadcom chipsets with specifications, see Broadcom.

For a list of all currently documented Linksys device with specifications, see Linksys.

54 Mbps - 2.4GHz 802.11g = G54 class


"3763-1410304R" is silkscreened on the board used to populate this entry.

Links of Interest


Flashing DD-WRT

On the DDWRT Wiki
Support started version: v24-RC5 Sept 25, 2008
Current supported version: ?

by Luniz2k1

Please note that this guide is ONLY for the WRT54G-TM router and nothing else. Do NOT attempt to use this method on any other device, as it is written ONLY for the WRT54G-TM router. (Linksys WRT54G-TM and WRT54G-RG are identical in terms of hardware, but differ in terms of firmware, so you MUST USE THE CORRECT files. The WRT54G-TM was a t-mobile router put out by Linksys, and the WRT54G-RG was a Rogers router put out by rogers in Canada. )

In order to flash this router you need to do the following steps:

NOTE: Check the Peacock thread for recommended build numbers if unsure.

  • Download the TFTP utility
  • Download Tornado's CFE_Updater-WRT54G-TM.bin
  • Turn OFF/Disable any AV/Firewall on your pc.
  • Make sure your pc is wired to a LAN port on the router when flashing.

Note to new users: Do your research and find out what the latest build is and use it from the start, unless there are issues with the latest build preventing the WRT54G-TM from operating properly, then go to a previous build.

1. The default LAN IP Address of the Linksys WRT54G-TM is You will need to set a Static IP Address on your computer for this procedure. If you are on Windows I suggest that you reset the router to it's defaults and set 2 LAN IP Address on your network controller to speed up the process, otherwise once you upload the CFE_Updater-WRT54G-TM.bin you will need to change your LAN IP Address from to to be able to TFTP DD-WRT onto the router.

On Windows XP, Control Panel/Network Connections/right-click on Local Area Connection icon and select Properties. On Windows Vista, Control Panel/Network and Sharing Center.

Go into the properties of the Local Area Connection/Internet Protocol TCP/IP and set the static IP address.

IP Address:
     Subnet Mask:
     Default Gateway:

Click the Advanced button in the TCP/IP setup window and in the IP Address section click the ADD button to add the following 2nd IP Address to the adapter:

IP Address:
     Subnet Mask:

Then click OK on each screen. Your network interface card (NIC) now has 2 LAN IP Address statically set on it, and This will allow your PC to communicate with the router before and after replacing the CFE on it. It will also allow you to be able to tell when the router is ready for a TFTP upload.

2. Open a command prompt window and type ping -t and hit enter. Leave this window open.

3. Log into the WRT54G-TM's web interface @ (assuming that the router has been reset to defaults) and go to the Administration Tab - Firmware Upgrade. Upload the CFE_Updater-WRT54G-TM.bin to the router.

!!!ATTENTION!!! You MUST wait at least 5 minutes after clicking the Upgrade button to allow the CFE_Updater to replace the stock CFE on the router and for it to erase the rest of the flash, otherwise you will brick your router.

A few seconds after clicking the Upgrade button the Linksys web interface will report that the upload has been successful and the power light will begin flashing on the router. Do NOT assume that the CFE replacement/flash erasing/reboot process has finished as the power light will continue to flash after it has rebooted. So there is no way to tell when it is ready for you to TFTP the DD-WRT firmware to it except when you begin to see the ping respond.

So once it is finished replacing the stock CFE and erasing the rest of the flash, the router will reboot. When the router is ready for the TFTP upload of the DD-WRT firmware, you will see the ping -t begin to respond in the command prompt window that you opened before.

4. Start up the TFTP utility and set the following:

     Password: <leave blank>
     File: <path to dd-wrt.v24-12548_NEWD_mega.bin> (or whichever build you wish to use)

Now click the Upgrade button. Once the firmware is sent to the router, it will reboot. The power light will change from flashing to solid when it is ready to be configured @

If you do not see a progress bar as the tftp utility transmits the file, you may need to power cycle your router. Wait until the tftp utility has finished its attempts, then power cycle (possibly waiting a few seconds) and wait until you can ping before clicking Upgrade again.

A few notes:

  • Tornado has made it so that the router will retain it's MAC Address that is on the label on the bottom of the router with the new CFE replacement.
  • Tornado is in the process of making a revert bin for those who may choose to revert back to the stock Linksys firmware (god only know why)

Many thanks goes out to Tornado, Eko, and Brainslayer for their work on this!!! Cool

No more will you need to void your warranty by opening the WRT54G-TM to JTAG DD-WRT onto it, or spending $70+ USD for a WRT54G-TM pre-loaded with DD-WRT from eBay

5. Check for recommended builds here.

Flashing OpenWrt

On the OpenWrt ToH (techdata entry)
On the OpenWrt Wiki
On the OpenWrt Forum
OpenWrt Target: bcm47xx
OpenWrt Subtarget: legacy
OpenWrt Package architecture: mipsel_mips32
Support started version: 0.9
Current supported version: 22.03.7

Please insert instructions here

Flashing Tomato

Flashing Gargoyle


Updating DD-WRT

If dd-wrt is already on the router follow these instructions. If stock firmware is on the router follow the flashing instructions.

  1. Check for recommended builds here first.
  2. Set your computer to a static IP of (or to whatever subnet the router is on) Disable all firewalls and security. Disable wireless on your computer and only have the router connected to the flashing computer by the ethernet cable between the two.
  3. Hard reset or 30/30/30 (If the router supports it, if not, reset to defults in the GUI) prior to flashing. Wait. Check for password page on re-login and change password.
  4. Flash firmware. You can use the webgui except if you have a belkin router. (For belkin use tftp.exe to flash)
  5. least three minutes. Lights should return to normal. See important2, below. Failing to wait is how most people brick their routers.
  6. Do a power cycle of the router. (Unplug the cord, count to 30 and plug it back in.)
  7. Wait for the lights to return to normal usually about 2 minutes.
  8. Hard reset or 30/30/30 again (If the router supports it, if not, reset to defults in the GUI). Wait. Check for the password page and re-login to change the password. Then you can reconfigure your settings manually.
  9. Once configured set your computer back to autoIP and autoDNS.

Important1: This Hard reset or 30/30/30 works fine for Asus router, but you do have to power cycle after the reset.

Important2: After you flash the firmware, and before you do the hard reset, the router will be building some nvram settings. YOU MUST WAIT FOR THIS TO FINISH PRIOR TO DOING ANYTHING WITH THE ROUTER INCLUDING A HARD RESET. Usually, you can tell when this process is completed by the WAN light coming on, but it does take several minutes. Go have a beer. There are starting to be more and more people who BRICK their routers by not waiting until the nvram is rebuilt, PRIOR to doing a hard reset. YOU NEED TO WAIT!


Reverting to OEM Firmware from DD-WRT

by Luniz2k1

Note: The default IP of the router will change from the default DD-WRT IP of, to the Linksys default IP of midway through the process.

You will have to change the static IP of your rig accordingly.

Read and understand these procedures before attempting the revert process.

This procedure assumes you have the fundamental skills to access your router, set a static IP on your rig, and use the tftp utility found here on the forum. As with anything else in regards to cutting edge technology, you the user assume all risks.

If for some reason your mac’s (mac addresses) are not correct (per the sticker on your box), this process will let you change them. See :”To change the mac addresses of your router:” below.

If you mac’s are correct, you have to do nothing except run the revert utility.

No Mac Change:

1). Reset your box (router) to factory settings via the GUI.

2). Set a static IP on your rig of, subnet mask of, Default gateway of

3). Access your router via the GUI. Depending of the version of DD-WRT that is on the box, you may be asked the change the user name and password.

4). Set the user name to “root” (no quotes)

5). Set the password to “admin” (no quotes)

6). Click “Change Password”

7). From the Administration tab, choose “Firmware Upgrade”.

8). Browse to the location of the TM-Revert.bin file and select it. Click the “Upgrade” button at the bottom of the page.

The file is a program that is loaded and executed by the router. This is not just flashing data. This will take some time to complete. Leave your router alone for at least five minutes after clicking the upgrade button.

The status of the led’s will be after running the revert: Power light flashing, wlan light off, only the lan light your rig is plugged into should be lit.

9). After two minutes, you need to change the static IP of your rig as well as the default gateway to the default Linksys IP. Change the IP of your rig to, subnet mask of, gateway

10). After 5 full minutes, it is now safe to tftp the stock Linksys firmware. If you are so inclined, you can verify by pinging You should get a response and TTL=100 should be displayed.

11). Power cycling the device is not necessary. The revert has been tested both ways. One way, tftp the stock Linksys firmware without power cycling after waiting the full five minutes.

The other way, after waiting the full five minutes, power cycle the device, then tftp the stock Linksys firmware.

After the successful tftp of the stock firmware, the router will boot by itself. Leave the router alone after you receive a success message from the tftp utility.

You will know when the reboot is complete as the power led will quit blinking and turn solid, and the wlan led will illuminate. Once complete, access the devices GUI at and configure to your liking.

Congratulations. You are done.

JTAG-Serial Info


JTAG Pinouts

 nTRST  1o o2  GND
   TDI  3o o4  GND
   TDO  5o o6  GND
   TMS  7o o8  GND
   TCK  9o o10 GND
 nSRST 11o o12 N/C

Using Universal JTAG Adapter

  white  1o o2  black
    red  3o o4  GND
   blue  5o o6  GND
  green  7o o8  GND
 yellow  9o o10 GND
 orange 11o o12 N/C
  • /noemw switch required


   N/C  1o o2  N/C
 nTRST  3o o4  GND
   TDI  5o o6  GND
   TMS  7o o8  GND
   TCK  9o o10 GND
   N/C 11o o12 GND
   TDO 13o o14 GND
 nSRST 15o o16 GND
   N/C 17o o18 GND
   N/C 19o o20 GND
 Using the ribbon cable provided
 Black to your choice of pins 2,4,6,8,10 on router and your choice of pins 4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20 on TUMPA for GND
 White to pin 1 on router and pin 3 on TUMPA for nTRST
 Grey to pin 3 on router and pin 5 on TUMPA for TDI
 Purple to pin 7 on router and pin 7 on TUMPA for TMS
 Blue to pin 9 0n router and pin 9 on TUMPA for TCK
 Green to pin 5 on router and pin 13 on TUMPA for TDO
 Yellow to pin 11 on router and pin 15 on TUMPA for nSRST

JTAG Recovery

DD-WRT JTAG Recovery

  1. Backup CFE x2 (Compare the files, they must match exactly or there is something wrong with your JTAG setup)
  2. Erase Wholeflash x2
  3. Flash CFE
  4. Unplug Power
  5. Unplug JTAG Cable


  1. Set Rig ip static
  2. Plug network cable from rig to port 1
  3. Plug in power
  4. click upgrade.
  5. wait, wait, wait. If you cannot browse the GUI of the router, return to step 1.
  6. Hard Reset 30\30\30


Serial Pinouts

 VCC  1 o o 2  VCC
 TX1  3 o o 4  TX0
 RX1  5 o o 6  RX0
 N/C  7 o o 8  N/C
 GND  9 o o 10 GND

Serial Recovery

DD-WRT Serial Recovery

Modified Redhawk0 instructions

  1. Print out these instructions for Off-Line use
  2. Connect PC to router with a network cable
  3. Configure PC with a static IP of
  4. Connect Serial cable
  5. Start one of the programs from above
  6. Get TFTP ready with file selected
  7. Use dd-wrt.v24_mini_generic.bin
  8. Connect power to the router
  9. start a rapid fire Cntl-C as you plug the router to power
  10. type "nvram erase" w/o quotes, hit enter
  11. type "flash -noheader : flash1.trx" w/o quotes, this starts the tftp daemon, hit enter
  12. but have TFTP ready
  13. Click go or start on TFTP
  14. give it 5 minutes after it finishes
  15. then power cycle....Hard reset or 30/30/30...then config
  16. when it stops spitting out txt....hit the enter should get a login that point, power cycle it, hard reset...then config
  17. you'll see it boot up

vlan Info

DD-WRT vlan Info

Confirmed the WRT54G-TM v1.1 supports port-based vlans via the GUI with build 14929.

Confirmed the WRT54G-TM v1.1 supports port-based vlans via nvram with build 14929.

WRT54G-TM v1.1's ports are mapped like this:

1 2 3 4 | case labels
3 2 1 0 | nvram port numbers


root@DD-WRT:~# nvram show | grep vlan.ports
vlan1ports=4 5
vlan0ports=3 2 1 0 5*
size: 19238 bytes (13530 left)
root@DD-WRT:~# nvram show | grep port.vlans
port5vlans=0 1 16
size: 19238 bytes (13530 left)
root@DD-WRT:~# nvram show | grep vlan.hwname
root@DD-WRT:~# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
ip_nat_pptp             2560   0 (unused)
ip_conntrack_pptp       3036   1
ip_nat_proto_gre        1664   0 (unused)
ip_conntrack_proto_gre    2584   0 [ip_nat_pptp ip_conntrack_pptp]
etherip                 5104   0 (unused)
switch-robo             5356   0 (unused)
switch-core             6352   0 [switch-robo]
root@DD-WRT:~# ls /proc/switch
root@DD-WRT:~# cat /proc/switch/eth0/vlan/0/ports
0       1       2       3       5t*
root@DD-WRT:~# cat /proc/switch/eth0/vlan/1/ports
4       5t
root@DD-WRT:~# cat /proc/switch/eth0/vlan/2/ports


root@DD-WRT:~# nvram show | grep vlan.ports
vlan1ports=4 5
vlan0ports=3 2 1 0 5*
size: 19389 bytes (13379 left)
root@DD-WRT:~# nvram show | grep port.vlans
port5vlans=0 1 16
port4vlans=1 18 19
port3vlans=0 18 19
port2vlans=0 18 19
port1vlans=0 18 19
port0vlans=1 18 19
size: 19389 bytes (13379 left)
root@DD-WRT:~# nvram show | grep vlan.hwname
size: 19389 bytes (13379 left)


root@DD-WRT:~# nvram set vlan1ports="3 4 5"
root@DD-WRT:~# nvram set vlan0ports="2 1 0 5*"
root@DD-WRT:~# nvram commit
root@DD-WRT:~# reboot


root@DD-WRT:~# nvram show | grep vlan.ports
vlan1ports=3 4 5
vlan0ports=2 1 0 5*
size: 19340 bytes (13428 left)
root@DD-WRT:~# nvram show | grep port.vlans
port5vlans=0 1 16
size: 19340 bytes (13428 left)
root@DD-WRT:~# nvram show | grep vlan.hwname
size: 19340 bytes (13428 left)


DarkShadow's Unit

Hardware Modification