Netgear WNDR3700v5

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multiple revisions of this device, use caution
abgn (AN600)
N600 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
3rd Party Firmware
Status Unknown
Tomato any flavor
Status Unknown
Netgear WNDR3700 v5
Board ID
wireless router
CPU1 checkY
CPU1 Type
MIPS 1004Kc
CPU1 Speed
880 MHz 16-bit
Flash1 Chip
Macronix MX25L12835FMI-10G
Flash1 Size
16 MiB16,777,216 B <br />131,072 Kib <br />16,384 KiB <br />128 Mib <br />0.0156 GiB <br />
RAM1 Size
128 MiB134,217,728 B <br />1,048,576 Kib <br />131,072 KiB <br />1,024 Mib <br />0.125 GiB <br />
RAM1 Chip
Nanya NT5CB64M16FP-DP
ETH chip1
Ethernet Port Count
Wired Standard
IEEE 802.3i/3u/3ab

802dot11 OUI: none specified

Stock bootloader
U-Boot 1.1.3 Ralink
Stock FW OS
Linux 2.6.36
Expansion IF types
Mini PCIe, USB 2.0
USB ports
USB Hub Compatible
12 VDC, 1.5 A
Connector type
Serial Port (UART)
yes, 4-pin header

Additional chips
5GHz 23dBm Power Amplifier w/ Power Detector;Skyworks (SiGe);SE5003L;;2;
5GHz SPDT Switch w/ LNA;Skyworks;SKY85601;;2;


Default login user: admin
Default login password: password
admin:password credentials used by 425 additional devices
of which 306 are Netgear devices

3rd Party Firmware Support
Padavan ? (+ac), OpenWrt • (List | Dev | DLs)
Availability common
FCC approval date 04 December 2014
ASINs B002HWRJY4 Flag of the United Kingdom (1-2).svg
B002HWRJY4 Flag of the United States.svg
B0071U0ZRU Flag of the United States.svg
multiple uses
Country of manuf China
Radio 1
MediaTek MT7603EN
Wireless interface OUI
none specified
Antenna Connector Type
none specified
MIMO status
Wireless Standard
IEEE 802.11b/g/n
up to 300 Mbps
up to 54 Mbps
up to 11 Mbps
WiFi Operating Frequency
2.4 GHz
Radio 2
MediaTek MT7612EN
Wireless interface OUI
none specified
Antenna Connector Type
none specified
MIMO status
Wireless Standard
IEEE 802.11a/n
up to 300 Mbps
up to 54 Mbps
WiFi Operating Frequency
5 GHz
Netgear R6220PY314200274
Netgear R6230PY314200274
Netgear WAC104PY314200274
 CPU1 brandRadio1 chip1 brandRadio2 chip1 brand
Netgear WNDR3700v1AtherosAtherosAtheros
Netgear WNDR3700v2AtherosAtherosAtheros
Netgear WNDR3700v3BroadcomBroadcomBroadcom
Netgear WNDR3700v4AtherosAtherosAtheros
Netgear WNDR3700v5MediaTekMediaTekMediaTek

For a list of all currently documented MediaTek chipsets with specifications, see MediaTek.

For a list of all currently documented Netgear device with specifications, see Netgear.

300 Mbps - 2SS 5GHz 802.11n (40MHz chan.),
300 Mbps - 2SS 2.4GHz 802.11n (40MHz chan.) = AN600 class


"AYB00D-1.6MM" is silkscreened on the board in the images.

See also: Netgear R6220 and SerComm

This device was under short-term confidentiality, but that expired 06/01/2015 ⚠.

Links of Interest


Flashing OpenWrt

On the OpenWrt ToH (techdata entry)
On the OpenWrt Wiki
On the OpenWrt Forum
OpenWrt Target: ramips
OpenWrt Subtarget: mt7621
OpenWrt Package architecture: mipsel_24kc
Support started version: 17.01.0
Current supported version: 24.10.0

Please insert instructions here

JTAG-Serial Info


boot log
                MT7621   stage1 code 13:14:00 (ASIC)
                CPU=50000000 HZ BUS=16666666 HZ
Change MPLL source from XTAL to CR...
do MEMPLL setting..
MEMPLL Config : 0x11100000
3PLL mode + External loopback
=== XTAL-40Mhz === DDR-1200Mhz ===
PLL4 FB_DL: 0x10, 1/0 = 657/367 41000000
PLL2 FB_DL: 0x16, 1/0 = 585/439 59000000
PLL3 FB_DL: 0x16, 1/0 = 678/346 59000000
do DDR setting..[00320000]
Apply DDR3 Setting...(use customer AC)
          0    8   16   24   32   40   48   56   64   72   80   88   96  104  112  120
0000:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0001:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0002:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0003:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0004:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0005:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0006:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0007:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0008:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0009:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
000A:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
000B:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
000C:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
000D:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1
000E:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    1    1
000F:|    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    0    0
0010:|    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0011:|    1    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0012:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0013:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0014:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0015:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0016:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0017:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0018:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
0019:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
001A:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
001B:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
001C:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
001D:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
001E:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
001F:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
rank 0 coarse = 15
rank 0 fine = 72
B:|    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1    1    1    0    0    0    0    0
opt_dle value:9
                RX      DQS perbit delay software calibration
1.0-15 bit dq delay value
bit|     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
0 |    13 10 14 13 14 11 15 9 6 11
10 |    9 13 10 14 9 13

2.dqs window
x=pass dqs delay value (min~max)center
y=0-7bit DQ of every group
input delay:DQS0 =31 DQS1 = 31
bit     DQS0     bit      DQS1
0  (1~60)30  8  (1~58)29
1  (1~58)29  9  (1~57)29
2  (1~60)30  10  (1~60)30
3  (1~58)29  11  (1~56)28
4  (1~60)30  12  (1~58)29
5  (2~60)31  13  (1~57)29
6  (1~61)31  14  (1~61)31
7  (1~60)30  15  (1~59)30
3.dq delay value last
bit|    0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8   9
0 |    14 12 15 15 15 11 15 10 8 13
10 |    10 15 12 15 9 14
     TX  perbyte calibration
DQS loop = 15, cmp_err_1 = ffff0800
dqs_perbyte_dly.last_dqsdly_pass[0]=15,  finish count=1
DQS loop = 14, cmp_err_1 = ffff0000
dqs_perbyte_dly.last_dqsdly_pass[1]=14,  finish count=2
DQ loop=15, cmp_err_1 = ffff01a2
DQ loop=14, cmp_err_1 = ffff0180
DQ loop=13, cmp_err_1 = ffff0000
dqs_perbyte_dly.last_dqdly_pass[0]=13,  finish count=1
dqs_perbyte_dly.last_dqdly_pass[1]=13,  finish count=2
byte:0, (DQS,DQ)=(9,8)
byte:1, (DQS,DQ)=(8,8)
[EMI] DRAMC calibration passed

                MT7621   stage1 code done
                CPU=50000000 HZ BUS=16666666 HZ

U-Boot 1.1.3 (Nov 17 2014 - 08:29:53)

Board: Ralink APSoC DRAM:  128 MB
relocate_code Pointer at: 87fb4000

Config XHCI 40M PLL
flash manufacture id: c2, device id 20 18
find flash: MX25L12805D
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

Ralink UBoot Version:
ASIC MT7621AS (MAC to MT7530 Mode)
DRAM_CONF_FROM: Auto-Detection
DRAM bus: 16 bit
Xtal Mode=3 OCP Ratio=1/3
Flash component: SPI Flash
Date:Nov 17 2014  Time:08:29:53
icache: sets:256, ways:4, linesz:32 ,total:32768
dcache: sets:256, ways:4, linesz:32 ,total:32768

 ##### The CPU freq = 880 MHZ ####
 estimate memory size =128 Mbytes

Reset switch ...
Example expects ABI version 2
Actual U-Boot ABI version 2

    Uboot StandAlone Entry
0, cmd
1, 0x0000000D
cmd : 0x0000000D

Press Ctrl+C to Enter the Main loop...
Example expects ABI version 2
Actual U-Boot ABI version 2

    Uboot StandAlone Entry
0, cmd
1, 0x0000000F
cmd : 0x0000000F
Enter NMRP_main
Flash Sector Number : 256.

 NetTxPacket = 0x87FE4300

 KSEG1ADDR(NetTxPacket) = 0xA7FE4300

 NetLoop,call eth_halt !

 NetLoop,call eth_init !
Trying Eth0 (10/100-M)

 Waitting for RX_DMA_BUSY status Start... done

NMRP_FLASH_SIZE_buffer --> a1000000.
### No NMRP Server found ###
Example expects ABI version 2
Actual U-Boot ABI version 2

    Uboot StandAlone Entry
0, boot
Flash Sector Number : 256.

    Sercomm Boot Version 1.13.0

Entering Firmware : Everything is OK.

flash base: 0xbfc00000, kernel addr :0xbfc50000, bootloader size: 0x30000, config size 0x10000, fac size : 0x10000
kernel addr :0xbfc50000

 System Boot system code via Flash.
## Booting image at bfc50000 ...
   Image Name:   Linux Kernel Image
   Image Type:   MIPS Linux Kernel Image (lzma compressed)
   Data Size:    2404943 Bytes =  2.3 MB
   Load Address: 80001000
   Entry Point:  8000f500
   Verifying Checksum ... OK
   Uncompressing Kernel Image ... OK

commandline in boot is : <NULL>  !!!!

No initrd
## Transferring control to Linux (at address 8000f500) ...
## Giving linux memsize in MB, 128

Starting kernel ...

LINUX started...

Linux version 2.6.36 (root@localhost.localdomain) (gcc version 4.6.3 (Buildroot 2012.11.1) ) #1 SMP Tue Nov 18 18:47:38 CST 2014

 The CPU feqenuce set to 880 MHz
GCMP present
CPU revision is: 0001992f (MIPS 1004Kc)
Software DMA cache coherency
Determined physical RAM map:
 memory: 08000000 @ 00000000 (usable)
Zone PFN ranges:
  Normal   0x00000000 -> 0x00008000
Movable zone start PFN for each node
early_node_map[1] active PFN ranges
    0: 0x00000000 -> 0x00008000
avail: cpu2 is not ready
avail: cpu3 is not ready
Detected 1 available secondary CPU(s)
PERCPU: Embedded 7 pages/cpu @81103000 s7104 r8192 d13376 u65536
pcpu-alloc: s7104 r8192 d13376 u65536 alloc=16*4096
pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1
Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 32512
Kernel command line: console=ttyS1,57600n8 root=/dev/mtdblock3 console=ttyS0
PID hash table entries: 512 (order: -1, 2048 bytes)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, , 4-waylinesize 32 bytes.
Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes
MIPS secondary cache 256kB, 8-way, linesize 32 bytes.
Writing ErrCtl register=00049021
Readback ErrCtl register=00049021
Memory: 122600k/131072k available (5108k kernel code, 8472k reserved, 1643k data, 212k init, 0k highmem)
Hierarchical RCU implementation.
        Verbose stalled-CPUs detection is disabled.
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ24
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ25
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ22
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ9
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ10
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ11
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ12
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ13
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ14
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ16
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ17
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ18
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ19
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ20
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ21
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ23
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ26
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ27
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ28
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ15
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ8
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ29
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ30
Trying to install interrupt handler for IRQ31
console [ttyS1] enabled
Calibrating delay loop... 579.58 BogoMIPS (lpj=1159168)
pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
launch: starting cpu1
launch: cpu1 gone!
CPU revision is: 0001992f (MIPS 1004Kc)
Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, , 4-waylinesize 32 bytes.
Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, PIPT, no aliases, linesize 32 bytes
MIPS secondary cache 256kB, 8-way, linesize 32 bytes.
Brought up 2 CPUs
Synchronize counters across 2 CPUs: done.
NET: Registered protocol family 16
release PCIe RST: RALINK_RSTCTRL = 7000000
PCIE PHY initialize
***** Xtal 40MHz *****
start MT7621 PCIe register access
RALINK_CLKCFG1 = 77ffeff8

*************** MT7621 PCIe RC mode *************
PCIE1 no card, disable it(RST&CLK)
pcie_link status = 0x5
*** Configure Device number setting of Virtual PCI-PCI bridge ***
RALINK_PCI_PCICFG_ADDR = 21007f2 -> 12007f2
PCIE0 enabled
PCIE2 enabled
interrupt enable status: 500000
Port 1 N_FTS = 1b105000
Port 0 N_FTS = 1b105000
config reg done
init_rt2880pci done
bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
vgaarb: loaded
SCSI subsystem initialized
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
usbcore: registered new device driver usb
pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 0: can't assign mem (size 0x80000000)
pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 0: can't assign mem (size 0x80000000)
pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0x60000000-0x600fffff]
pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 9: assigned [mem 0x60100000-0x601fffff pref]
pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0x60200000-0x602fffff]
pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 1: assigned [mem 0x60300000-0x6030ffff]
pci 0000:00:00.0: BAR 1: set to [mem 0x60300000-0x6030ffff] (PCI address [0x60300000-0x6030ffff]
pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 1: assigned [mem 0x60310000-0x6031ffff]
pci 0000:00:01.0: BAR 1: set to [mem 0x60310000-0x6031ffff] (PCI address [0x60310000-0x6031ffff]
pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x60000000-0x600fffff 64bit]
pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 0: set to [mem 0x60000000-0x600fffff 64bit] (PCI address [0x60000000-0x600fffff]
pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 6: assigned [mem 0x60100000-0x6010ffff pref]
pci 0000:00:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 01-01]
pci 0000:00:00.0:   bridge window [io  disabled]
pci 0000:00:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0x60000000-0x600fffff]
pci 0000:00:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0x60100000-0x601fffff pref]
pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x60200000-0x602fffff]
pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 0: set to [mem 0x60200000-0x602fffff] (PCI address [0x60200000-0x602fffff]
pci 0000:00:01.0: PCI bridge to [bus 02-02]
pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [io  disabled]
pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem 0x60200000-0x602fffff]
pci 0000:00:01.0:   bridge window [mem pref disabled]
PCI: Enabling device 0000:00:00.0 (0004 -> 0006)
PCI: Enabling device 0000:00:01.0 (0004 -> 0006)
BAR0 at slot 0 = 0
bus=0x0, slot = 0x0
res[0]->start = 0
res[0]->end = 0
res[1]->start = 60300000
res[1]->end = 6030ffff
res[2]->start = 0
res[2]->end = 0
res[3]->start = 0
res[3]->end = 0
res[4]->start = 0
res[4]->end = 0
res[5]->start = 0
res[5]->end = 0
BAR0 at slot 1 = 0
bus=0x0, slot = 0x1
res[0]->start = 0
res[0]->end = 0
res[1]->start = 60310000
res[1]->end = 6031ffff
res[2]->start = 0
res[2]->end = 0
res[3]->start = 0
res[3]->end = 0
res[4]->start = 0
res[4]->end = 0
res[5]->start = 0
res[5]->end = 0
bus=0x1, slot = 0x0, irq=0x4
res[0]->start = 60000000
res[0]->end = 600fffff
res[1]->start = 0
res[1]->end = 0
res[2]->start = 0
res[2]->end = 0
res[3]->start = 0
res[3]->end = 0
res[4]->start = 0
res[4]->end = 0
res[5]->start = 0
res[5]->end = 0
bus=0x2, slot = 0x1, irq=0x19
res[0]->start = 60200000
res[0]->end = 602fffff
res[1]->start = 0
res[1]->end = 0
res[2]->start = 0
res[2]->end = 0
res[3]->start = 0
res[3]->end = 0
res[4]->start = 0
res[4]->end = 0
res[5]->start = 0
res[5]->end = 0
Switching to clocksource MIPS
NET: Registered protocol family 2
IP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
TCP established hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
TCP bind hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 4096 bind 4096)
TCP reno registered
UDP hash table entries: 128 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
UDP-Lite hash table entries: 128 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
NET: Registered protocol family 1
4 CPUs re-calibrate udelay(lpj = 1167360)
squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
fuse init (API version 7.15)
SGI XFS with security attributes, large block/inode numbers, no debug enabled
SGI XFS Quota Management subsystem
msgmni has been set to 239
Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 254)
io scheduler noop registered (default)
Ralink gpio driver initialized
spidrv_major = 217
i2cdrv_major = 218
spdif_mod_init: start SPDIF module
Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 2 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
serial8250: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x1e000d00 (irq = 27) is a 16550A
serial8250: ttyS1 at MMIO 0x1e000c00 (irq = 26) is a 16550A
brd: module loaded
flash manufacture id: c2, device id 20 18
MX25L12805D(c2 2018c220) (16384 Kbytes)
mtd .name = raspi, .size = 0x01000000 (16M) .erasesize = 0x00010000 (64K) .numeraseregions = 0
Creating 20 MTD partitions on "raspi":
0x000000000000-0x000000040000 : "Bootloader"
0x000000040000-0x000000050000 : "SC PID"
0x000000050000-0x0000002d0000 : "Kernel"
0x0000002d0000-0x000000e70000 : "Rootfs"
0x000000e70000-0x000000e90000 : "English UI"
0x000000e90000-0x000000eb0000 : "ML1"
0x000000eb0000-0x000000ed0000 : "ML2"
0x000000ed0000-0x000000ef0000 : "ML3"
0x000000ef0000-0x000000f10000 : "ML4"
0x000000f10000-0x000000f30000 : "ML5"
0x000000f30000-0x000000f40000 : "Factory"
0x000000f40000-0x000000f50000 : "SC Private Data"
0x000000f50000-0x000000f60000 : "POT"
0x000000f60000-0x000000f80000 : "Traffic Meter"
0x000000f80000-0x000000f90000 : "DPF"
0x000000f90000-0x000000fa0000 : "SC Nvram"
0x000000fa0000-0x000000fb0000 : "Ralink Nvram"
0x000000fb0000-0x000000fd0000 : "Ralink Reserved"
0x000000fd0000-0x000000ff0000 : "ML6"
0x000000ff0000-0x000001000000 : "Upgrade Flag"
rdm_major = 253
GMAC1_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x0000000c
GMAC1_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x43288021
Ralink APSoC Ethernet Driver Initilization. v3.1  512 rx/tx descriptors allocated, mtu = 1500!
GMAC1_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x0000000c
GMAC1_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x43288028
PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
PPP MPPE Compression module registered
NET: Registered protocol family 24
PPTP driver version 0.8.5
IMQ driver loaded successfully.
        Hooking IMQ before NAT on PREROUTING.
        Hooking IMQ after NAT on POSTROUTING.
usbcore: registered new interface driver net1080
register mt_drv

=== pAd = c0182000, size = 586072 ===

<-- RTMPAllocTxRxRingMemory, Status=0
<-- RTMPAllocAdapterBlock, Status=0
pAd->CSRBaseAddress =0xc0080000, csr_addr=0xc0080000!
device_id =0x7603
RtmpChipOpsHook(502): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
mt_bcn_buf_init(224): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
FM_OUT value: u4FmOut = 0(0x00000000)
xhc_mtk xhc_mtk: xHCI Host Controller
xhc_mtk xhc_mtk: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
xhc_mtk xhc_mtk: irq 22, io mem 0x1e1c0000
hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 1-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
xhc_mtk xhc_mtk: xHCI Host Controller
xhc_mtk xhc_mtk: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
hub 2-0:1.0: 1 port detected
Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (1915 buckets, 7660 max)
nf_conntrack_rtsp v0.6.21 loading
IPVS: Registered protocols ()
IPVS: Connection hash table configured (size=4096, memory=32Kbytes)
IPVS: ipvs loaded.
GRE over IPv4 demultiplexor driver
gre: can't add protocol
nf_nat_rtsp v0.6.21 loading
ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team, Type=Restricted Cone
TCP cubic registered
NET: Registered protocol family 10
ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
NET: Registered protocol family 17
L2TP core driver, V2.0
PPPoL2TP kernel driver, V2.0
L2TP IP encapsulation support (L2TPv3)
L2TP netlink interface
L2TP ethernet pseudowire support (L2TPv3)
802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 Ben Greear <>
All bugs added by David S. Miller <>
VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly on device 31:3.
Freeing unused kernel memory: 212k freed
init started: BusyBox v1.12.1 (2014-11-18 18:59:14 CST)
starting pid 58, tty '': '/usr/etc/rcS'
Algorithmics/MIPS FPU Emulator v1.5
mount: mounting none on /dev/pts failed: No such file or directory
Welcome to
    _______  _______  ___     __  ____   _  _   ___
    |  ___  \|   __  ||   |   |__||    \ | || | /  /
    | |___| ||  |__| ||   |__  __ |     \| || |/  /
    |   _   /|   _   ||      ||  || |\     ||     \
    |__| \__\|__| |__||______||__||_| \____||_|\___\

                     =System Architecture Department=

[rc debug]/sbin/rc reg_init
[rc.c::configure_mt7621_register():1011] set from jtag to gpio mode
[SYSTEM]/sbin/reg s 0
switch register base addr to system register 0xbe000000
[SYSTEM]/sbin/reg r0x405a9
[SYSTEM]/sbin/reg write offset 0x60, value 0x405a8
w 0x60 0x405a8
in/reg r 0x60
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 1 > /NOTIFY
led_pb_api: module license 'Sercomm' taints kernel.
Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
Register LED ID <75>
Register LED ID <70>
Register LED ID <20>
Register LED ID <40>
Register LED ID <45>
Register LED ID <60>
Register LED ID <61>
Register LED ID <62>
Register LED ID <90>
Register LED ID <91>
Register LED ID <92>
insmod: can't read '/lib/modules/': No such file or directory
insmod: can't read '/lib/modules/': No such file or directory
netfilter dnshj choose interested dns queries module loaded !
insmod: can't read '/lib/modules/ipt_macblock_dnshj.ko': No such file or directory
init common module successful
insert firewall block module success
fake source dos protect modules is inserted
netfilter PSD and TCP/UDP Echo/Chargen Attack loaded
netfilter tcp syn flood module loaded
netfilter clamp total session for one src ip module loaded
netfilter other dos module loaded
insmod finish
Raeth v3.1 (Tasklet,SkbRecycle)

phy_tx_ring = 0x06de8000, tx_ring = 0xa6de8000

phy_rx_ring0 = 0x06dea000, rx_ring0 = 0xa6dea000
change HW-TRAP to 0x15c8f
GMAC1_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x0000000c
GMAC1_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x43288028
GDMA2_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x0000000c
GDMA2_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x43288045
eth3: ===> VirtualIF_open
CDMA_CSG_CFG = 81000000
GDMA1_FWD_CFG = 20710000
GDMA2_FWD_CFG = 20710000
insmod: can't read '/lib/modules/2.6.36/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/MT7610_ap/MT7610_ap.ko': No such file or directory
register rt2860

=== pAd = c0902000, size = 1348584 ===

<-- RTMPAllocTxRxRingMemory, Status=0
<-- RTMPAllocAdapterBlock, Status=0
pAd->CSRBaseAddress =0xc0800000, csr_addr=0xc0800000!
device_id =0x7662
==>rlt_wlan_chip_onoff(): OnOff:1, Reset= 1, pAd->WlanFunCtrl:0x0, Reg-WlanFunCtrl=0x20a
RtmpChipOpsEepromHook::e2p_type=0, inf_Type=5
NVM is FLASH mode
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc init
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig NOTIFY
wn hw ether A4:2B:8C:58:FA:38 up
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth2.1 down
ifconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
/ifconfig eth2.2 down
ifconfig: ra2880stop()...SDone
IOeth3: ===> VirtualIF_close
CGIFFFree TX/RX Ring Memory!
 No such device
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth2 down
[SYSTEM]/sbin/vconfig rem eth2.1
vconfig: ioctl error for rem: No sucNOTIFY
hRaeth v3.1 ( dTasklete,SkbRecyclev)
phy_tx_ring = 0x06590000, tx_ring = 0xa6590000

phy_rx_ring0 = 0x065ac000, rx_ring0 = 0xa65ac000
[SYSTEM]/sbin/vconfig rem eth2.2
vconfig: ioctl error for rem: Nochange HW-TRAP to 0x15c8f
 such deviceset LAN/WAN LLLLW

[SYSTEM]/sbiGMAC1_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x0000000c
nGMAC1_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x43288028
/ieth3: ===> VirtualIF_open
fCDMA_CSG_CFG = 81000000
cGDMA1_FWD_CFG = 20710000
oGDMA2_FWD_CFG = 20710000
 eth2 up
g eth2 down
eth3: ===> VirtualIF_close
Free TX/RX Ring Memory!
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eNOTIFY
NOTIFY ether A4:2B:8C:58:FA:38

Raeth v3.1 (asklet3,SkbRecycle2)
phy_tx_ring = 0x06590000, tx_ring = 0xa6590000
phy_rx_ring0 = 0x06594000, rx_ring0 = 0xa6594000
sbin/ifconfig eth2 up
change HW-TRAP to 0x15c8f
GMAC1_MAC_ADRH -- : 0x0000a42b
GMAC1_MAC_ADRL -- : 0x8c58fa38
eth3: ===> VirtualIF_open
CDMA_CSG_CFG = 81000000
GDMA1_FWD_CFG = 20710000
GDMA2_FWD_CFG = 20710000
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/ 3 0
restore GSW to dump switch mode
switch reg write offset=2004, value=ff0000
switch reg write offset=2104, value=ff0000
switch reg write offset=2204, value=ff0000
switch reg write offset=2304, value=ff0000
switch reg write offset=2404, value=ff0000
switch reg write offset=2504, value=ff0000
device eth2 entered promiscuous modeff0000

sbr0: port 1(eth2) entering learning state
wibr0: port 1(eth2) entering learning state
tch reg write offset=2704, value=ffNOTIFY
0eth3: ===> VirtualIF_open
switch reg write offset=2010, value=810000c0
switch reg write offset=2110, value=810000c0
switch reg write offset=2210, value=810000c0
switch reg write offset=2310, value=810000c0
switch reg write offset=2410, value=810000c0
switch reg write offset=2510, value=810000c0
switch reg write offset=2610, value=810000c0
switch reg write offset=2710, value=810000c0
REG_ESW_WT_MAC_ATC is 0x7ff0002
[SYSTEM]/sbin/brctl addif br0 eth2
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth3 up
RC: wifi_init()
rules = <>, timeout = 20
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall access_logd
killall: access_logd: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc access_log start
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc access_log start
ap_name=access_log action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add access_log - start
 rc action <access_log @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <access_log @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add access_log - start
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add access_log - start
 rc action <access_log @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <access_log @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add access_log - start
unlink running file </var/run/>
can't find this application
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add access_log - start
 rc action <access_log @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <access_log @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add access_log - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of access_log
killall: access_logd: no process killed
Access Control log start.
Access Control socket create
unlink running file </var/run/>
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc access_dev start
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc access_dev start
ap_name=access_dev action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add access_dev - start
 rc action <access_dev @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <access_dev @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add access_dev - start
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add access_dev - start
 rc action <access_dev @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <access_dev @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add access_dev - start
unlink running file </var/run/>
can't find this application
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add access_dev - start
 rc action <access_dev @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <access_dev @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add access_dev - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of access_dev
killall: access_devinfo: no process killed
Access Control socket create
unlink running file </var/run/>
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_map_index():74] 0x30 0x32, 0x3032.
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_map_index():118] find index 1 for modelinfo_get_product_name
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_set_autoupg_fileinfo():185] autoupg_fileinfo_in_nv is wndr3700v5_fileinfo.txt
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/insmod /lib/modules/ufsd.ko
ufsd:: trace mask set to 0000000f
ufsd: driver (lke_9.0.0 lke_9.0.0_r237695_b2, LBD=ON, ioctl, bdi, sd2(0), wb, bz, tr) loaded at c0b02000
NTFS support included
optimized: speed

=============rc start
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc lan start
ap_name=lan action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add lan - start
 rc action <lan @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <lan @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add lan - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of lan
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl setfd br0 1
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig br0 netmask broadcast
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl stp br0 off
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl stp br0 off
sh: cannot create /proc/http_file/getLanIp: nonexistent directory
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc wlan start
ap_name=wlan action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add wlan - start
 rc action <wlan @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <wlan @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add wlan - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of wlan
[wifi_mtk/wifi.c::sync_wireless_nvram():1495] wifi_super_wifi_enable:0, wifi_powerpercent:100, wifi_super_wifi_enable1:0, wifi_powerpercent1:100
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_map_index():74] 0x30 0x32, 0x3032.
[modelinfo_product_id.c::modelinfo_map_index():118] find index 1 for modelinfo_get_product_name
[wifi_mtk/wifi.c::start_wireless():1525] SC 5G support level: 11n
[SYSTEM]mkdir -p /etc/Wireless/RT2860
[flash.c::sc_check_remotescfgmgrmagic():794] buf:ff, ff, ff, ff
[flash.c::sc_check_remotescfgmgrmagic():796] magic:31, 3e, c5, 8d
scfgmgr for local
[SYSTEM]mkdir -p /etc/Wireless/iNIC
region flag in flash:00 00 00 02
[SYSTEM]/bin/mkdir -p /etc/Wireless/RT2860AP/
[SYSTEM]/bin/mkdir -p /etc_ro/Wireless/RT2860AP/
region is PR:0
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp -f /etc_ro/wlan/MT7612E_EEPROM.bin.11n /etc_ro/wlan/MT7612E_EEPROM.bin
[wifi_mtk/wifi.c::map_singleskutmp_by_region():1251] all region singlesku.dat exist
[SYSTEM]/bin/rm /etc_ro/Wireless/RT2860AP/SingleSKU.dat.MT7620 >/dev/console 2>&1
rm: cannot remove '/etc_ro/Wireless/RT2860AP/SingleSKU.dat.MT7620': No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/rm /etc_ro/Wireless/iNIC/SingleSKU.dat.MT7610E >/dev/console 2>&1
rm: cannot remove '/etc_ro/Wireless/iNIC/SingleSKU.dat.MT7610E': No such file or directory
[wifi_mtk/wifi.c::map_singleskutmp_by_region():1268] wifi gui region is Europe, 2g CE, 5g CE
[wifi_mtk/wifi.c::map_singleskutmp_by_region():1306] region NOT PR or RU
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp -rf /usr/etc_ro/Wireless/singlesku_dat//CE/SingSku-2.4.txt /etc_ro/Wireless/RT2860AP/SingleSKU.dat.MT7620 >/dev/console 2>&1
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp -rf /usr/etc_ro/Wireless/singlesku_dat//CE/SingSku-5G.txt /etc_ro/Wireless/iNIC/SingleSKU.dat.MT7610E >/dev/console 2>&1
[SYSTEM]/bin/mv /etc_ro/Wireless/RT2860AP/SingleSKU.dat.MT7620 /etc/Wireless/RT2860AP/SingleSKU.dat
[SYSTEM]/bin/mv /etc_ro/Wireless/iNIC/SingleSKU.dat.MT7610E /etc_ro/Wireless/iNIC/SingleSKU.dat
CHIP: 7603 - current MAC: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
no update!
CHIP: 7662 - current MAC: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
no update!
[SYSTEM]/sbin/iwpriv rai0 set RadioOn=1
Interface doesn't accept private ioctl...
set (8BE2): Network is down
[SYSTEM]echo 1 > /tmp/wifi_mac_setNOTIFY

X_BCN DESC a7f94000 size = 320
[3RX[0] DESC a7f96000 size = 2048
2m[SYSTEM]/sbiRX[1] DESC a7f97000 size = 2048
n/ifconfig ra0 up
wmode_band_equal(): Band Equal!
Key1Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key1Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key1Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key1Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key2Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key2Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key2Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key2Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key3Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key3Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key3Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key3Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key4Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key4Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key4Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key4Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
20140814CmdAddressLenReq:(ret = 0)
CmdFwStartReq: override = 1, address = 1048576
CmdStartDLRsp: WiFI FW Download Success
AsicDMASchedulerInit(): DMA Scheduler Mode=0(LMAC)
CmdPsRetrieveRsp Disable FW PS Supportstatus:1 !!!!!
RtmpChipOpsEepromHook::e2p_type=0, inf_Type=5
efuse_probe: efuse = 10000002
RtmpChipOpsEepromHook: E2P type(2), E2pAccessMode = 2, E2P default = 1
NVM is FLASH mode
1. Phy Mode = 14
Country Region from e2p = ffff
tssi_1_target_pwr_g_band = 35
2. Phy Mode = 14
3. Phy Mode = 14
NICInitPwrPinCfg(13): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
NICInitializeAsic(586): Not support rtmp_mac_sys_reset () for HIF_MT yet!
AsicSetMacMaxLen(1561): Set the Max RxPktLen=1024!
        WTBL Segment 1 info:
        WTBL Segment 2 info:
        WTBL Segment 3 info:
        WTBL Segment 4 info:
AntCfgInit(2362): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
AsicSendCommandToMcu(3410): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
AsicSendCommandToMcu(3410): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
AsicSendCommandToMcu(3410): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
AsicSendCommandToMcu(3410): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
RTMPSetPhyMode(): channel out of range, use first ch=0
MCS Set = ff ff 00 00 01
AsicSetChBusyStat(877): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 1, central_chl = 1, BW = 0,                                                                     TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#1(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 2, central_chl = 2, BW = 0,                                                                     TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#2(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 3, central_chl = 3, BW = 0,                                                                     TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#3(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 4, central_chl = 4, BW = 0,                                                                     TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#4(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 5, central_chl = 5, BW = 0,                                                                     TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#5(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 6, central_chl = 6, BW = 0,                                                                     TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#6(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 7, central_chl = 7, BW = 0,                                                                     TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#7(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 8, central_chl = 8, BW = 0,                                                                     TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#8(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 9, central_chl = 9, BW = 0,                                                                     TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#9(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 10, central_chl = 10, BW = 0,                                                                   TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#10(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 11, central_chl = 11, BW = 0,                                                                   TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#11(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 12, central_chl = 12, BW = 0,                                                                   TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#12(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 13, central_chl = 13, BW = 0,                                                                   TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#13(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 1, central_chl = 1, BW = 0,                                                                     TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#1(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 2, central_chl = 2, BW = 0,                                                                     TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#2(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 3, central_chl = 3, BW = 0,                                                                     TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#3(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 4, central_chl = 4, BW = 0,                                                                     TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#4(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 5, central_chl = 5, BW = 0,                                                                     TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#5(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 6, central_chl = 6, BW = 0,                                                                     TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#6(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 7, central_chl = 7, BW = 0,                                                                     TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#7(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 8, central_chl = 8, BW = 0,                                                                     TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#8(2T2R), BBP_BW=0
SYNC - BBP R4 to 20MHz.l
[PMF]ap_pmf_init:: apidx=0, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0
[PMF]RTMPMakeRsnIeCap: RSNIE Capability MFPC=0, MFPR=0
[PMF]ap_pmf_init:: apidx=1, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0
[PMF]ap_pmf_init:: apidx=2, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0
[PMF]ap_pmf_init:: apidx=3, MFPC=0, MFPR=0, SHA256=0
AsicSetRalinkBurstMode(3724): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
RTMPSetPiggyBack(797): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
CmdChannelSwitch: control_chl = 1, central_chl = 3, BW = 1,                                                                     TXStream = 2, RXStream = 2
mt7603_switch_channel(): Switch to Ch#3(2T2R), BBP_BW=1
AsicSetTxPreamble(3710): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
AsicAddSharedKeyEntry(1725): Not support for HIF_MT yet!
AsicSetPreTbtt(): bss_idx=0, PreTBTT timeout = 0xf0
Main bssid = XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
<==== rt28xx_init, Status=0
[SYSTEM]/sbin/brctl addevice ra0 entered promiscuous mode
dibr0: port 2(ra0) entering learning state
f br0: port 2(ra0) entering learning state
br0 ra0
[SYSTEM]/bin/led_app on 40
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig rNOTIFY
aibuild time =
02 0u1p4[400m8
rom patch for E3 IC

platform =
hw/sw version =
patch version =

FW Version:0.0.00 Build:1
Build Time:201409051439____
fw for E3 IC
RX[0] DESC a6694000 size = 4 GiB
RX[1] DESC a6695000 size = 4 GiB
wmode_band_equal(): Band Not Equal!
flush result = ffffff
check pse fid Q7:set_get_fid, q_idx:7 empty!!
Key1Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key1Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key1Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key1Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key2Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key2Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key2Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key2Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key3Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key3Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key3Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key3Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key4Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key4Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key4Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
Key4Str is Invalid key length(0) or Type(0)
1. Phy Mode = 17
get_chl_grp:illegal channel (167)
get_chl_grp:illegal channel (167)
get_chl_grp:illegal channel (169)
get_chl_grp:illegal channel (169)
get_chl_grp:illegal channel (171)
get_chl_grp:illegal channel (171)
br0: port 2(ra0) entering forwarding state
get_chl_grp:illegal channel (173)
get_chl_grp:illegal channel (173)
Country Region from e2p = ffff
mt76x2_read_temp_info_from_eeprom:: is_temp_tx_alc=1, temp_tx_alc_enable=1
mt76x2_read_tx_alc_info_from_eeprom:: is_ePA_mode=1, ePA_type=1
mt76x2_read_tx_alc_info_from_eeprom:: [5G band] high_temp_slope=13, low_temp_slope=9
mt76x2_read_tx_alc_info_from_eeprom:: [2G band] high_temp_slope=0, low_temp_slope=0
mt76x2_read_tx_alc_info_from_eeprom:: [5G band] tc_lower_bound=-7, tc_upper_bound=4
mt76x2_read_tx_alc_info_from_eeprom:: [2G band] tc_lower_bound=0, tc_upper_bound=0
mt76x2_get_external_lna_gain::LNA type=0x1, BLNAGain=0xffffff8c, ALNAGain0=0xffffff8c, ALNAGain1=0xffffff8c, ALNAGain2=0xffffff8c
2. Phy Mode = 17
3. Phy Mode = 17
0x1300 = 00073200
AntCfgInit: primary/secondary ant 0/1
ChipStructAssign(): MT76x2 hook !
RTMPSetPhyMode: channel is out of range, use first channel=0
MCS Set = ff ff 00 00 01
mt76x2_single_sku::DefaultTargetPwr = 0x26, delta_power = 0xfffffffe
mt76x2_single_sku::sku_base_pwr = 0x20, DefaultTargetPwr = 0x26, ch_pwr_adj = 0xfffffffa(-6), 0x13B4: 0x1b0f043a
mt76x2_single_sku::DefaultTargetPwr = 0x26, delta_power = 0xfffffffe
mt76x2_single_sku::sku_base_pwr = 0x20, DefaultTargetPwr = 0x26, ch_pwr_adj = 0xfffffffa(-6), 0x13B4: 0x1b0f043a
mt76x2_single_sku::DefaultTargetPwr = 0x26, delta_power = 0xfffffffe
mt76x2_single_sku::sku_base_pwr = 0x20, DefaultTargetPwr = 0x26, ch_pwr_adj = 0xfffffffa(-6), 0x13B4: 0x1b0f043a
br0: port 1(eth2) entering forwarding state
mt76x2_single_sku::DefaultTargetPwr = 0x26, delta_power = 0xfffffffe
mt76x2_single_sku::sku_base_pwr = 0x20, DefaultTargetPwr = 0x26, ch_pwr_adj = 0xfffffffa(-6), 0x13B4: 0x1b0f043a
mt76x2_bbp_adjust():rf_bw=1, ext_ch=3, PrimCh=40, HT-CentCh=38, VHT-CentCh=0
mt76x2_single_sku::DefaultTargetPwr = 0x26, delta_power = 0xfffffffe
mt76x2_single_sku::sku_base_pwr = 0x20, DefaultTargetPwr = 0x26, ch_pwr_adj = 0xfffffffa(-6), 0x13B4: 0x1b0f043a
APStartUp(): AP Set CentralFreq at 38(Prim=40, HT-CentCh=38, VHT-CentCh=0, BBP_BW=1)
mt76x2_calibration(channel = 38)
Main bssid = XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
mt76x2_reinit_agc_gain:original agc_vga0 = 0x48, agc_vga1 = 0x48
mt76x2_reinit_agc_gain:updated agc_vga0 = 0x48, agc_vga1 = 0x48
mt76x2_reinit_hi_lna_gain:original hi_lna0 = 0x33, hi_lna1 = 0x33
mt76x2_reinit_hi_lna_gain:updated hi_lna0 = 0x33, hi_lna1 = 0x33
original vga value(chain0) = 48
original vga value(chain1) = 48
<==== rt28xx_init, Status=0
RTMPDrvOpen(1):Check if PDMA is idle!
RTMPDrvOpen(2):Check if PDMA is idle!
[SYSTEM]/sbin/brctl device rai0 entered promiscuous mode
addbr0: port 3(rai0) entering learning state
ibr0: port 3(rai0) entering learning state
f br0 rai0
[SYSTEM]/bin/led_app on 40
GUI ASCII string: 38833092-3092-1883-b1b5-a42b8c58fa38
GUI HEX string: 3883309230921883b1b5a42b8c58fa38
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall miniupnpd_wsc
killall: miniupnpd_wsc: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/sbin/chmod +x /var/
[SYSTEM]/bin/sh -x /var/
+ iwpriv ra0 set WscConfMode=0
+ iwpriv rai0 set WscConfMode=0
+ iwpriv ra0 set WscSetupLock=0
+ iwpriv rai0 set WscSetupLock=0
+ iwpriv ra0 set WscMaxPinAttack=3
+ iwpriv rai0 set WscMaxPinAttack=3
+ route add -host dev br0
+ iwpriv ra0 set WscConfMode=7
+ iwpriv rai0 set WscConfMode=7
+ miniupnpd_wsc -m 1 -I ra0 -P /var/Can't find DB for id==42
run/miniupnpd.ra0 -i eth3 -a -n 7777 -u 38833092-3092-1883-b1b5-a42b8c58fa38
Unknown option: -I
Unknown option: ra0
Jan  1 00:00:26 miniupnpd[318]: WPS listening on port 7777
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /tmp/wlan_uptiRTMPIoctlMAC():wrq->, pointer(7fe88000)=60200618!
meRTMPIoctlMAC():after trim space, ptr len=8, pointer(86115000)=60200618!

[SYSTEM]/bin/led_app on 42
TMPIoctlMAC():wrq->, pointer(7f9a36e0)=60200618=D7083F0F!
[3RTMPIoctlMAC():after trim space, ptr len=17, pointer(85daf000)=60200618=D7083F0F!
2m[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/led_app on 45
[wifi_mtk/wifi.c::start_wireless():1615] DISABLE EDCCA for 2G and 5G
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/iwpriv rai0 mac 1340
rai0      mac:
[wifi_mtk/wifi.c::start_wireless():1639] org:0x4101b3f. (04101b3f
)[wifi_mtk/wifi.c::start_wireless():1641] now:0x4001b3f
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/iwpriv rai0 mac 1340=4001b3f
rai0      mac:
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/iwpriv rai0 mac 1340
rai0      mac:
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/iwpriv ra0 mac 60200618
ra0       mac:[0x10618]:d7e87d10
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/iwpriv ra0 mac 60200618=D7083F0F
ra0       mac:[0x10618]:d7083f0f
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc printk start
ap_name=printk action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add printk - start
 rc action <printk @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <printk @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add printk - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of printk
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 1 4 1 7 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc timezone start
ap_name=timezone action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add timezone - start
 rc action <timezone @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <timezone @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add timezone - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of timezone
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo GMT+0 > /etc/TZ
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc syslogd start
ap_name=syslogd action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add syslogd - start
 rc action <syslogd @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <syslogd @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add syslogd - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of syslogd
[SYSTEM]/sbin/syslogd -f /etc/syslog.conf
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc httpd start
ap_name=httpd action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add httpd - start
 rc action <httpd @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <httpd @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add httpd - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of httpd
[sc_language.c::create_language_file():426] Create link files for <French>
[sc_language.c::update_language_mtd_mapping():325] update mtd /dev/mtdblock4 to ENU
[sc_language.c::update_language_mtd_mapping():325] update mtd /dev/mtdblock5 to DEU
[sc_language.c::update_language_mtd_mapping():325] update mtd /dev/mtdblock6 to FRA
[sc_language.c::update_language_mtd_mapping():325] update mtd /dev/mtdblock7 to NLD
[sc_language.c::update_language_mtd_mapping():325] update mtd /dev/mtdblock8 to SVE
[sc_language.c::update_language_mtd_mapping():325] update mtd /dev/mtdblock9 to RUS
[sc_language.c::create_language_file():449] Checking MTD </dev/mtdblock6> according to its id <FRA>
[sc_language.c::decompress_language():175] Try to decompress MTD </dev/mtdblock6>
[SYSTEM]/bin/cat /www.eng/block.htm | /bin/sed "s|@model_name#|WNDR3700v5|g" > /etc/block.htm
rmmod: ipt_REJECT: No such file or directory
[rc debug]/bin/rc firewall restart
ap_name=firewall action=restart
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add firewall - restart
 rc action <firewall @ restart> before file_lock.
 rc action <firewall @ restart lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add firewall - restart
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add firewall - restart
 rc action <firewall @ restart> before file_lock.
 rc action <firewall @ restart lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add firewall - restart
[rc.c::rc_stop():745] Calling Stop function of firewall
[SYSTEM]echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
[SYSTEM]echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/br0/forwarding
[SYSTEM]echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/wlan0/forwarding
sh: cannot create /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/wlan0/forwarding: nonexistent directory
[SYSTEM]echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/wlan0-va0/forwarding
sh: cannot create /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/wlan0-va0/forwarding: nonexistent directory
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of firewall
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall -14 access_logd
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc syslogd create;/usr/bin/killall -SIGUSR2 syslogd &
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc syslogd create
ap_name=syslogd action=create
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add syslogd - create
 rc action <syslogd @ create> before file_lock.
 rc action <syslogd @ create lock = 4> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 4> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add syslogd - create
[rc.c::rc_create():787] Calling Create function of syslogd
unlink running file </var/run/>
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo switch=on > /proc/net/spi_enable
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo clear > /proc/net/firewall_block
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo clear > /proc/net/clamp_total_session_for_one_src
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo clear > /proc/net/psd_udp_tcp_vanilla_port_scan
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo clear > /proc/net/echo_chargen_config
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo wan_if=eth3 > /proc/net/spi_enable
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo spi=enable > /proc/net/spi_enable
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/killall -9 usb_httpd
killall: usb_httpd: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo "enable_ipmac=0" > /proc/arp_protect_enable
[flash.c::sc_get_region():327] Original Region Data: 00, 00, 00, 02
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /usr/etc/crontab /etc/crontab
[SYSTEM]iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i br0 -p udp --dport 53 -m dnshj -j DNAT --to
[flash.c::sc_get_region():327] Original Region Data: 00, 00, 00, 02
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /usr/etc/crontab /etc/crontab
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo GMT+0 > /etc/TZ
[SYSTEM]echo 1 > /proc/net/ipt_condition/schedule
sh: cannot create /proc/net/ipt_condition/schedule: nonexistent directory
unlink running file </var/run/>
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/mini_httpd -d /www -r "NETGEAR WNDR3700v5" -c '**.cgi' -t 300&
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc remote_httpd start
ap_name=remote_httpd action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add remote_httpd - start
 rc action <remote_httpd @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <remote_httpd @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add remote_httpd - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of remote_httpd
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc dhcpd start
ap_name=dhcpd action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add dhcpd - start
 rc action <dhcpd @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <dhcpd @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add dhcpd - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of dhcpd
killall: udhcpd: no process killed
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc ntp start
ap_name=ntp action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add ntp - start
 rc action <ntp @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <ntp @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add ntp - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of ntp
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/netgear_ntp -z GMT+0&
[dhcpd.c::udhcpd():116] udhcp server (v0.9.7) started
[dhcpd.c::udhcpd():170] interface: br0, start : 201a8c0 end : fe01a8c0

unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc route start
ap_name=route action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add route - start
 rc action <route @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <route @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add route - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of route
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc ripd start
ap_name=ripd action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add ripd - start
 rc action <ripd @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <ripd @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add ripd - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of ripd
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc dnrd start
ap_name=dnrd action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add dnrd - start
 rc action <dnrd @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <dnrd @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add dnrd - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of dnrd
[SYSTEM]iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i br0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
[SYSTEM]iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i br0 -p udp --dport 53 -m dnshj -j DNAT --to
[SYSTEM]iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i br0 -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
[SYSTEM]killall -9 dnrd
killall: dnrd: no process killed
[SYSTEM]iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i br0 -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to
iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
[SYSTEM]iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i br0 -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to
[SYSTEM]iptables -t nat -I  PREROUTING -i br0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to
[SYSTEM]dnrd -a -m hosts -c off -g &
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc potcounter start
ap_name=potcounter action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add potcounter - start
 rc action <potcounter @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <potcounter @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add potcounter - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of potcounter
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc lltd start
ap_name=lltd action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add lltd - start
 rc action <lltd @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <lltd @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
Notice: caching turned off
Warning: Using /etc/hosts will be removed in a future version. Please use only the /etc/dnrd/master file or use -m off.
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add lltd - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of lltd
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc usb_init start
ap_name=usb_init action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add usb_init - start
 rc action <usb_init @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <usb_init @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add usb_init - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of usb_init
[SYSTEM]/etc/mtk/ wifi
[SYSTEM]/bin/rm /etc/samba/secrets.tdb
rm: cannot remove '/etc/samba/secrets.tdb': No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall -9 smbd >/dev/null 2>&1
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall -9 nmbd >/dev/null 2>&1
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall -9 bftpd >/dev/null 2>&1
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/killall -9 hd-idle
killall: hd-idle: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall -9 bftpd >/dev/null 2>&1
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/killall -9 hd-idle
killall: hd-idle: no process killed
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc debug_mode start
ap_name=debug_mode action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add debug_mode - start
 rc action <debug_mode @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <debug_mode @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add debug_mode - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of debug_mode
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc wifi_isolation start
ap_name=wifi_isolation action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add wifi_isolation - start
 rc action <wifi_isolation @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <wifi_isolation @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add wifi_isolation - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of wifi_isolation
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo "lan_ip=" > /proc/wifi_isolation
sh: cannot create /proc/wifi_isolation: nonexistent directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo "lan_netmask=" > /proc/wifi_isolation
sh: cannot create /proc/wifi_isolation: nonexistent directory
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc mediaserver start
ap_name=mediaserver action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add mediaserver - start
 rc action <mediaserver @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <mediaserver @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add mediaserver - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of mediaserver
#### media server is disable
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc bridge_iptv_port start
ap_name=bridge_iptv_port action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add bridge_iptv_port - start
 rc action <bridge_iptv_port @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <bridge_iptv_port @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add bridge_iptv_port - start
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add bridge_iptv_port - start
 rc action <bridge_iptv_port @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <bridge_iptv_port @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add bridge_iptv_port - start
unlink running file </var/run/>
can't find this application
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add bridge_iptv_port - start
 rc action <bridge_iptv_port @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <bridge_iptv_port @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add bridge_iptv_port - start
unlink running file </var/run/>
can't find this application
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc vlan start
ap_name=vlan action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add vlan - start
 rc action <vlan @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <vlan @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add vlan - start
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add vlan - start
 rc action <vlan @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <vlan @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add vlan - start
unlink running file </var/run/>
can't find this application
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add vlan - start
 rc action <vlan @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <vlan @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add vlan - start
unlink running file </var/run/>
can't find this application
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc dbus start
ap_name=dbus action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add dbus - start
 rc action <dbus @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <dbus @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add dbus - start
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add dbus - start
 rc action <dbus @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <dbus @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add dbus - start
unlink running file </var/run/>
can't find this application
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add dbus - start
 rc action <dbus @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <dbus @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add dbus - start
unlink running file </var/run/>
can't find this application
=============rc finish
run smp wifi
run smp wifi done
    1 root      1496 S    init
    2 root         0 SW   [kthreadd]
    3 root         0 SW   [ksoftirqd/0]
    4 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:0]
    5 root         0 SW   [kworker/u:0]
    6 root         0 SW   [migration/0]
    7 root         0 SW   [migration/1]
    8 root         0 SW   [kworker/1:0]
    9 root         0 SW   [ksoftirqd/1]
   10 root         0 SW<  [khelper]
   11 root         0 SW   [kworker/1:1]
   12 root         0 SW   [sync_supers]
   13 root         0 SW   [bdi-default]
   14 root         0 SW<  [kblockd]
   15 root         0 SW   [khubd]
   16 root         0 SW   [kswapd0]
   17 root         0 SW   [fsnotify_mark]
   18 root         0 SW<  [xfs_mru_cache]
   19 root         0 SW<  [xfslogd]
   20 root         0 SW<  [xfsdatad]
   21 root         0 SW<  [xfsconvertd]
   22 root         0 SW<  [crypto]
   29 root         0 SW   [mtdblock0]
   30 root         0 SW   [mtdblock1]
   31 root         0 SW   [mtdblock2]
   32 root         0 SW   [mtdblock3]
   33 root         0 SW   [mtdblock4]
   34 root         0 SW   [mtdblock5]
   35 root         0 SW   [mtdblock6]
   36 root         0 SW   [mtdblock7]
   37 root         0 SW   [mtdblock8]
   38 root         0 SW   [mtdblock9]
   39 root         0 SW   [mtdblock10]
   40 root         0 SW   [mtdblock11]
   41 root         0 SW   [mtdblock12]
   42 root         0 SW   [mtdblock13]
   43 root         0 SW   [mtdblock14]
   44 root         0 SW   [mtdblock15]
   45 root         0 SW   [mtdblock16]
   46 root         0 SW   [mtdblock17]
   47 root         0 SW   [mtdblock18]
   48 root         0 SW   [mtdblock19]
   49 root         0 SW   [kworker/u:1]
   56 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:1]
   58 root      1496 S    /bin/sh /usr/etc/rcS
  146 root      1032 S    /sbin/klogd
  148 root       920 S    /usr/sbin/cmd_agent_ap
  218 root      1024 S    /sbin/access_logd
  231 root      1136 S    /sbin/access_devinfo
  255 root      1212 S    /usr/sbin/scfgmgr
  286 root         0 SW   [RtmpCmdQTask]
  287 root         0 SW   [RtmpWscTask]
  288 root         0 SW   [RtmpMlmeTask]
  295 root         0 SW   [RtmpCmdQTask]
  296 root         0 SW   [RtmpWscTask]
  297 root         0 SW   [RtmpMlmeTask]
  318 root      1084 S    miniupnpd_wsc -m 1 -I ra0 -P /var/run/miniupnpd.ra0 -
  360 root      1092 S    /sbin/syslogd -f /etc/syslog.conf
  871 root      1048 S    /usr/sbin/udhcpd /etc/udhcpd.conf
  876 root       940 S    /usr/sbin/netgear_ntp -z GMT+0
  878 root      1444 S    /usr/sbin/mini_httpd -d /www -r NETGEAR WNDR3700v5 -c
 1523 root       928 S    /usr/sbin/potcounter
 1527 root      1432 S    dnrd -a -m hosts -c off -g
 1531 root      1144 S    /usr/bin/lld2 br0
 1573 root       940 S    telnetenabled A42B8C58FA38 admin password
 1623 root      1496 R    /bin/ps
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc upnp start
ap_name=upnp action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add upnp - start
 rc action <upnp @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <upnp @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add upnp - start
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add upnp - start
 rc action <upnp @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <upnp @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add upnp - start
unlink running file </var/run/>
can't find this application
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add upnp - start
 rc action <upnp @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <upnp @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add upnp - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of upnp
[SYSTEM]route add -net netmask br0
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/miniupnpd -i eth3 -a -p 56688 -U -t 1800 -T 4 -u 824ff22b-8c7d-41c5-a131-a42b8c58fa38
unlink running file </var/run/>
route: SIOCADDRT: File exists
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc schedule restart
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add schedule - restart
 rc action <schedule @ restart> before file_lock.
 rc action <schedule @ restart lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add schedule - restart
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add schedule - restart
 rc action <schedule @ restart> before file_lock.
 rc action <schedule @ restart lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add schedule - restart
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of schedule
/usr/etc/rcS: line 282: cannot create /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/wlan0/forwarding: nonexistent directory
/usr/etc/rcS: line 283: cannot create /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/wlan0-va0/forwarding: nonexistent directory
/usr/etc/rcS: line 287: cannot create [flash.c::sc_get_region():327] Original Region Data: 00, 00, 00, 02
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/eth1/rp_filter: nonexistent directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /usr/etc/crontab /etc/crontab
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo GMT+0 > /etc/TZ
[SYSTEM]echo 1 > /proc/net/ipt_condition/schedule
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc debug][rc debug]usr/sbin/rc /usr/sbin/rc reset_lan wan start start

ap_name=reset_lan action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add reset_lan - start
 rc action <reset_lan @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <reset_lan @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/brctl delif br0 eth3
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add reset_lan - start
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add reset_lan - start
 rc action <reset_lan @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <reset_lan @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add reset_lan - start
unlink running file </var/run/>
can't find this application
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add reset_lan - start
 rc action <reset_lan @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <reset_lan @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
device eth3 is not a slave of br0
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall netgear_ntp
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add reset_lan - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of reset_lan
down port 0
Set: phy[0].reg[0] = 1840
down port 1
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall -SIGUSR2 miniupnpd
killall: ripd: no process killed
Set: phy[1].reg[0] = 1840
killall: zebra: no process killed
down port 2
Set: phy[2].reg[0] = 1840
down port 3
Set: phy[3].reg[0] = 1840
killall: ripd: no process killed
killall: zebra: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/br0/forwarding
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -F POSTROUTING
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth3 -j MASQUERADE
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/br0/forwarding
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/iptables -D PRE_BASIC -t nat -i eth3 -d ! (null) -j DROP
sh: syntax error: "(" unexpected
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo "#!/bin/sh" > /etc/ppp/ip-down
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall pppd
killall: pppd: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall openl2tpd
killall: openl2tpd: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall udhcpc
killall: udhcpc: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall pppoe-relay
killall: pppoe-relay: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth3 >/dev/null 2>&1
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth3 down
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth3 hw ether XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth3 up
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ifconfig eth3 mtu 1500
[wan/wan.c::start_wan():1372] wan_mode is <dhcpc>
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches; /bin/insmod /lib/modules/2.6.36/kernel/net/nat/hw_nat/hw_nat.ko
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/udhcpc -i eth3 -s /etc/udhcpc.script  -H "WNDR3700v5"  &
[wan/wan.c::start_wan():1456] ipv6 restart, v4 mode dhcpc v6 mode disable
[SYSTEM]/usr/sbin/rc ipv6 restart
[dhcpc.c::udhcpc():443] udhcp client (v0.9.7) started
[clientpacket.c::send_discover():175] Sending discover...
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc ipv6 restart
ap_name=ipv6 action=restart
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add ipv6 - restart
 rc action <ipv6 @ restart> before file_lock.
 rc action <ipv6 @ restart lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add ipv6 - restart
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add ipv6 - restart
 rc action <ipv6 @ restart> before file_lock.
 rc action <ipv6 @ restart lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add ipv6 - restart
unlink running file </var/run/>
can't find this application
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add ipv6 - restart
 rc action <ipv6 @ restart> before file_lock.
 rc action <ipv6 @ restart lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add ipv6 - restart
[rc.c::rc_stop():745] Calling Stop function of ipv6
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall dhcp6c
killall: dhcp6c: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/bin/killall pppd_ip6
killall: pppd_ip6: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall radvd
killall: radvd: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall -9 dhcp6s
killall: dhcp6s: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/bin/killall -9 totd
killall: totd: no process killed
[SYSTEM]ip6tables -t filter -F
up port 0
[SYSTEM]ip6tables -t mangle -F
[SYSTEM]ip6tables -t raw -F
Set: phy[0].reg[0] = 1240
[SYSTEM]ip6tables -t filter -X
up port 1
[SYSTEM]ip6tables -t mangle -X
Set: phy[1].reg[0] = 1240
[SYSTEM]ip6tables -t raw -X
up port 2
[SYSTEM]ip6tables -t filter -P INPUT ACCEPT
Set: phy[2].reg[0] = 1240
up port 3
[SYSTEM]ip6tables -t filter -P FORWARD ACCEPT
Set: phy[3].reg[0] = 1240
unlink running file </var/run/>
[SYSTEM]ip6tables  -C /tmp/rules6
ip6tables v1.4.10: option `-C' requires an argument
Try `ip6tables -h' or 'ip6tables --help' for more information.
[SYSTEM]killall mld
killall: mld: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ip -6 route flush dev tun6to4
Cannot find device "tun6to4"
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ip link set dev tun6to4 down
SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device
[SYSTEM]/sbin/ip tunnel del tun6to4
ioctl: No such device
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rmmod ipv6_br.ko
rmmod: ipv6_br.ko: No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall dhcp6c
killall: dhcp6c: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/usr/bin/killall ip6_autod
killall: ip6_autod: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/bin/rm -f /var/ip6prefix*
[ipv6/ipv6.c::stop_ipv6():72] stop ip6 wan mode: (-1)
[SYSTEM]/bin/ip -6 route del
RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/ip -6 route del
RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/ip -6 route del
RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/ip -6 route del
RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/ip -6 route del
RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/bin/ip -6 route del
RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of ipv6
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():146] lan_ifname = <br0>
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():147] wan_ifname = <eth3>
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():148] wan_l2_ifname = <eth3>
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():149] wan_ppp_ifname = <ppp6>
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():150] wan_mode = 0
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():151] lan_mode = 2
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():152] dhcp_account = <>
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():153] dhcp_domain = <>
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():154] pppoe_username = <>
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():155] pppoe_passwd = <>
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():156] pppoe_service = <>
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():157] custom_relay_router = 0
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():158] relay_router = <>
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():159] fixed_wan_ipaddr = <>
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():160] fixed_gw_ipaddr = <>
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():161] fixed_wan_plen = 0
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():162] fixed_lan_ipaddr = <>
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():163] fixed_lan_plen = 0
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():164] fixed_dns1 = <>
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():165] fixed_dns2 = <>
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():166] custom_ifid_enable = 0
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():169] ifid = <0000:0000:0000:0000>
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():171] ipv6ipv4ppp_one_session = 0
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():172] ipv6_ppp_stateless = 0
[ipv6/common.c::ip6_config_dump():173] ipv6_dhcpc_no_na = 0
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding
[ipv6/ipv6.c::start_ipv6():163] ipv6 is over layer2, open rs/ra on eth3
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 3 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth3/router_solicitations
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo 2 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/eth3/accept_ra
[ipv6/ipv6.c::start_ipv6():167] ipv6 is over layer2 interface eth3, trigger wan send out router solicitation
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo trigger_rs=1 > /proc/net/trigger_rs
[SYSTEM]/bin/echo wan_if=eth3 > /proc/net/trigger_rs
[ipv6/ipv6.c::start_ipv6():186] ip6 is disabled.
unlink running file </var/run/>
[clientpacket.c::send_discover():175] Sending discover...
[clientpacket.c::send_discover():175] Sending discover...
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc usb_printer start
ap_name=usb_printer action=start
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add usb_printer - start
 rc action <usb_printer @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <usb_printer @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add usb_printer - start
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add usb_printer - start
 rc action <usb_printer @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <usb_printer @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add usb_printer - start
unlink running file </var/run/>
can't find this application
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add usb_printer - start
 rc action <usb_printer @ start> before file_lock.
 rc action <usb_printer @ start lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add usb_printer - start
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of usb_printer
[SYSTEM]/sbin/killall KC_BONJOUR
killall: KC_BONJOUR: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/sbin/killall KC_PRINT
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc down_manage stop
ap_name=down_manage action=stop
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add down_manage - stop
 rc action <down_manage @ stop> before file_lock.
 rc action <down_manage @ stop lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add down_manage - stop
unlink running file </var/run/>
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add down_manage - stop
 rc action <down_manage @ stop> before file_lock.
 rc action <down_manage @ stop lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add down_manage - stop
unlink running file </var/run/>
can't find this application
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add down_manage - stop
 rc action <down_manage @ stop> before file_lock.
 rc action <down_manage @ stop lock = 3> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
killall: KC_PRINT: no process killed
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rmmod usblp
rmmod: usblp: No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rmmod NetUSB.ko
 rc action < unlock = 3> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add down_manage - stop
unlink running file </var/run/>
can't find this application
rmmod: NetUSB.ko: No such file or directory
[SYSTEM]/sbin/rmmod GPL_NetUSB.ko
rmmod: GPL_NetUSB.ko: No such file or directory
[dhcpc.c::release_requested():161] Received SIGUSR2, state=0,sig=51
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/GPL_NetUSB.ko
rm: cannot remove '/tmp/wan_uptime': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '/tmp/wan_ipaddr': No such file or directory
rm: cannot remove '/tmp/': No such file or directory
deleting dhcpc options releated routers
/bin/sh: can't open /tmp/dhcpc_route_related_options_del
[rc debug]/usr/sbin/rc route restart
ap_name=route action=restart
[rc.c::rc_action():803] rc_action before add route - restart
 rc action <route @ restart> before file_lock.
 rc action <route @ restart lock = 4> after file_lock.
[SYSTEM]/bin/cp /proc/uptime /var/run/
 rc action < unlock = 4> after file_lock.
[rc.c::rc_action():811] rc_action after add route - restart
[rc.c::rc_stop():745] Calling Stop function of route
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/NetUSB.ko localID="WNDR3700v5"
[rc.c::rc_start():706] Calling Start function of route
unlink running file </var/run/>
[SYSTEM]/sbin/insmod /lib/modules/2.6.36/kernel/drivers/usb/class/usblp.ko
[SYSTEM]/sbin/KC_PRINT WNDR3700v5 &
unlink running file </var/run/>
    1 root      1496 S    init
    2 root         0 SW   [kthreadd]
    3 root         0 SW   [ksoftirqd/0]
    4 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:0]
    5 root         0 SW   [kworker/u:0]
    6 root         0 SW   [migration/0]
    7 root         0 SW   [migration/1]
    8 root         0 SW   [kworker/1:0]
    9 root         0 SW   [ksoftirqd/1]
   10 root         0 SW<  [khelper]
   11 root         0 SW   [kworker/1:1]
   12 root         0 SW   [sync_supers]
   13 root         0 SW   [bdi-default]
   14 root         0 SW<  [kblockd]
   15 root         0 SW   [khubd]
   16 root         0 SW   [kswapd0]
   17 root         0 SW   [fsnotify_mark]
   18 root         0 SW<  [xfs_mru_cache]
   19 root         0 SW<  [xfslogd]
   20 root         0 SW<  [xfsdatad]
   21 root         0 SW<  [xfsconvertd]
   22 root         0 SW<  [crypto]
   29 root         0 SW   [mtdblock0]
   30 root         0 SW   [mtdblock1]
   31 root         0 SW   [mtdblock2]
   32 root         0 RW   [mtdblock3]
   33 root         0 SW   [mtdblock4]
   34 root         0 SW   [mtdblock5]
   35 root         0 SW   [mtdblock6]
   36 root         0 SW   [mtdblock7]
   37 root         0 SW   [mtdblock8]
   38 root         0 SW   [mtdblock9]
   39 root         0 SW   [mtdblock10]
   40 root         0 SW   [mtdblock11]
   41 root         0 SW   [mtdblock12]
   42 root         0 SW   [mtdblock13]
   43 root         0 SW   [mtdblock14]
   44 root         0 SW   [mtdblock15]
   45 root         0 SW   [mtdblock16]
   46 root         0 SW   [mtdblock17]
   47 root         0 SW   [mtdblock18]
   48 root         0 SW   [mtdblock19]
   49 root         0 SW   [kworker/u:1]
   56 root         0 SW   [kworker/0:1]
   58 root      1496 S    /bin/sh /usr/etc/rcS
  146 root      1032 S    /sbin/klogd
  148 root       920 S    /usr/sbin/cmd_agent_ap
  218 root      1024 S    /sbin/access_logd
  231 root      1136 S    /sbin/access_devinfo
  255 root      1212 S    /usr/sbin/scfgmgr
[Bonjour] Interface: br0 is connected
[KC] WNDR3700v5 IPP v1.3 Start (Jun 26 2014 09:59:43)
  286 root         0 SW   [RtmpCmdQTask]
  287 root         0 SW   [RtmpWscTask]
  288 root         0 SW   [RtmpMlmeTask]
  295 root         0 SW   [RtmpCmdQTask]
  296 root         0 SW   [RtmpWscTask]
  297 root         0 SW   [RtmpMlmeTask]
  318 root      1084 S    miniupnpd_wsc -m 1 -I ra0 -P /var/run/miniupnpd.ra0 -
  360 root      1092 S    /sbin/syslogd -f /etc/syslog.conf
  871 root      1048 S    /usr/sbin/udhcpd /etc/udhcpd.conf
  878 root      1444 S    /usr/sbin/mini_httpd -d /www -r NETGEAR WNDR3700v5 -c
 1523 root       928 S    /usr/sbin/potcounter
 1527 root      1432 S    dnrd -a -m hosts -c off -g
 1531 root      1144 S    /usr/bin/lld2 br0
 1573 root       940 S    telnetenabled A42B8C58FA38 admin password
 1636 root      1360 S    /usr/sbin/miniupnpd -i eth3 -a -p 56688 -
 1637 root       948 S    /usr/sbin/crond
 1638 root      1396 S    /usr/sbin/multi_pb_app 90 91 92 10 50
 1640 root         0 Z    [crond]
 1641 root         0 Z    [crond]
 1691 root       924 S    /usr/sbin/cmd_agent
 2035 root      1024 S    /usr/sbin/udhcpc -i eth3 -s /etc/udhcpc.script -H WND
 2782 root      1100 S    usr/sbin/wan_monitor
 2835 root         0 SW   [ telnetDBGD ]
 2836 root         0 SW   [ acktelnetDBGD ]
 2837 root         0 SW   [checkSBusTimeou]
 2839 root         0 SW   [NU UDP]
 2840 root         0 SW   [NU TCP]
 2844 root       404 S    /sbin/KC_BONJOUR WNDR3700v5
 2846 root       456 S    /sbin/KC_PRINT WNDR3700v5
 2847 root      1496 R    /bin/ps
 2848 root       404 S    /sbin/KC_BONJOUR WNDR3700v5
 2849 root       404 S    /sbin/KC_BONJOUR WNDR3700v5
 2854 root       456 S    /sbin/KC_PRINT WNDR3700v5
 2855 root       404 S    /sbin/KC_BONJOUR WNDR3700v5
 2856 root       456 S    /sbin/KC_PRINT WNDR3700v5
 2857 root       404 S    /sbin/KC_BONJOUR WNDR3700v5
 2858 root       456 S    /sbin/KC_PRINT WNDR3700v5
/usr/etc/rcS: line 347: /usr/sbin/led_test: not found
starting pid 2861, tty '/dev/ttyS1': '/bin/sh'
# INFO14C9: Bind to br0
[Bonjour] MDNS_CheckName: receive packet timeout
[Bonjour] default device name = WNDR3700v5
[Bonjour] Answer Name Start (
[KC] WNDR3700v5 IPP v1.3 Start (Jun 26 2014 09:59:50)


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