TechInfoDepot:DD-WRT/Dual SSID isolated
From TechInfoDepot
Jump to navigationJump to searchHow to configure dual SSID that are on two different subnets
Also see Multiple WLANs.
My main network is
1) Wireless -->basic setting
added another Interface, unbridged, and with IP of, mask of
2) In wireless security configured the security for the second adapter.
Apply changes.
3)Setup - networking --> dhcpD added another DHCP server for the second interface chose wl0.1
4)Administration---> commands
iptables -I INPUT -i wl0.1 -p icmp -j ACCEPT
iptables -I INPUT -i wl0.1 -p tcp --dport 23 -j logdrop
iptables -I INPUT -i wl0.1 -p tcp --dport 80 -j logdrop
iptables -I FORWARD -i wl0.1 -o br0 -j logdrop
Save firewall
5)reboot router