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Wiviz @ dd-wrt
Wiviz, an open source GPL project, allows you to use your WRT to see other networks. Using a dynamic Javascript-based interface it scans for networks and then shows signal strength and effects of antenna adjustment in real time. The second generation wiviz2 has recently been released! This version fixes the previous difficulty to accommodate all icons on the screen by continuously moving all detected stations on a trajectory around the receiving station.
[1] DD-WRT mini and full releases starting from V23SP3 come with Wiviz2 preinstalled! [2]
Other installable package for example for Wifi enabled PDA are apparently not available yet!Installation of Wiviz (v1)
Thanks to Lament who has ported Wiviz to DD-WRT!
- Enable jffs2, and clean jffs2 (administration tab -> management in the control interface)
- Use telnet or SSH (if enabled) to log in as root on the router.
- Next type the following commands (in bold).
- cd /jffs/ This puts us in the jffs directory from root directory
- wget This downloads the permanent (ie, stored in jffs file structure) program
- tar -xvzf wiviz-jffs.tar.gz This extracts files
- ln -s /jffs/www /tmp/ This makes the symlink. Please note that there are 3 spaces in this line
- If the symbolic link already exists the command ln -s /jffs/www /tmp/ will fail and you will first have to use : rm -r /tmp/www and then ln -s /jffs/www /tmp/
That should allow your browser to see the wiviz page at or http://routerip/user/wiviz/wiviz.html
Finally clean up by typing
rm wiviz-jffs.tar.gz This will remove the downloaded compressed file
USING A SAMBA SHARE INSTEAD OF JFFS If you lack the space necessary to install on JFFS (Using a large installation on a WRT54G is the usual reason) you can simulate JFFS using a network share. See jffs on WRT54G.
You will need to create a subdirectory /jffs/etc/ if it doesn't already exist.
ls /jffs/ List the jffs/ directory to see if etc/ exists.
If not, then mkdir /jffs/etc Makes the new subdirectory etc/
mkdir /jffs/etc/config Creates a new subdirectory to /jffs/etc/ of config/ echo "rm -r /tmp/www" > /jffs/etc/config/wi-viz.startup Creates startup file with first line echo "ln -s /jffs/www /tmp/" >> /jffs/etc/config/wi-viz.startup Appends second line chmod 700 /jffs/etc/config/wi-viz.startup Sets file permissions
In order to get around not being able to change to channel hopping, you can manually create a wiviz config file.
echo "channelsel=hop&hopseq=1,6,11" > /tmp/wiviz-cfg
channelsel = Either the word "hop" or the channel number to monitor. The default is to monitor the channel already in use by the card. hopseq = A comma seperated list of channels to hop through in the order of your choice.
Note: The wiviz page only displays output - the input settings do not function with DD-WRT.
Note: Channel hopping does NOT work when in AP mode.
- Integrate Wiviz by means of links into the routers HTTP system
- Graphical signal strength and noise plot function
- List stations mode with their signal strength graph on the side (to allow to identifiy directions when scanning using directional antennae)
- Automate antenna comparison by using the firmware antenna selector function
- IPs be extracted from the packets?
Minor GUI Fix
- Network icons drift out of the screen and everything shifts out of sight:
-> Solution: Replace the declump function in wiviz.js Java Script with this:
function declump() { var c = 0; var top = 150,bottom = -350,left = 550,right = -550; for (i = 0; i < hosts.length; i++) { for (j = 0; j < hosts.length; j++) { if (i == j) continue; e1 = document.getElementById(hosts[i].mnem); e2 = document.getElementById(hosts[j].mnem); if (!e1 || !e2) continue; x1 = parseInt(; x2 = parseInt(; y1 = parseInt(; y2 = parseInt(; ox = x2; oy = y2; if (x2 > left) x2 = left; if (x2 < right) x2 = right; if (y2 > top) y2 = top; if (y2 < bottom) y2 = bottom; dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x1-x2), 2) + Math.pow((y1-y2), 2)); if (dist == 0) { x2 += Math.random() * 5; y2 += Math.random() * 5; dist = 10; } if (dist < 100) { cx = (x1-x2) * 5 / (dist / 3); cy = (y1-y2) * 5 / (dist / 3); x2 -= cx; y2 -= cy; } if (hosts[j].apmnem == hosts[i].mnem || hosts[i].apmnem == hosts[j].mnem) { if (dist > 150) { cx = (x1-x2) * 5 / (dist / 3); cy = (y1-y2) * 5 / (dist / 3); x2 += cx; y2 += cy; } } if (Math.abs(ox-x2) > 2 || Math.abs(oy-y2) > 2) { = parseInt(x2); = parseInt(y2); c++; } } }
Wiviz under DD-WRT v24 final
Status -> Wireless -> Wiviz Survey button
Firefox 3.0.1 - 3 on Windows properly displays the Wiviz layout.
However, Firefox 3.0.1 - 3 on Linux do not properly display the layout (freezing behavior).
Other Mozilla-based browsers do display the layout properly: SeaMonkey, Galeon, Epiphany.
Konqueror does properly interpret the Wiviz layout and other portions of the whole WebGUI.
Wiviz under DD-WRT V24 SP1
You can find Wiviz under Status -> Wireless -> Wiviz survey. Alternative you can go to
*Note*: Only Internet Explorer shows wiviz correctly (Tested with: Internet Explorer 8 Beta 1, Firefox 3.0.1 (fail) and Opera 9.52 (fail))
External Links Wiviz Official Site See Forum Post