Template:Asus Tomato Flash Guide

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Note: some people say you need to install DD-WRT first. I do NOT recommend anyone to install DD-WRT first before installing Tomato on Asus routers.

  1. Download a suitable tomato firmware
  2. Install the Asus router utility from the CD that came with the router. Run \Utility\setup.exe from the CD to install it. If you no longer have the CD you can also download it from the Asus website.
  3. Disable Firewall on your computer.
  4. Disable anti-virus on your computer.
  5. Connect your computer to one of the LAN ports of the router with an ethernet cable.
  6. Assign a static IP of and subnet mask to your computer LAN port.
  7. Disconnect the router WAN port if you already have a cable plugged into that port.
  8. From Windows Start menu, run ASUS Utility -> RT-N Wireless Router -> Firmware Restoration.
  9. Click the Browse button and select the file that you downloaded in step #1. Don’t click the upload button yet.
  10. Put the router in recovery mode: Unplug the power cord of the router. Hold down the black Restore button using a pen (not the red button). Plug the power cord back in. Once the power light starts flashing slowing, release the Restore button. The power light should continue to flash. The flashing light means the router is ready to accept the new firmware in recovery mode.
  11. Click the upload button in the Restoration utility. If it warns about incorrect Asus firmware, ignore it. The firmware should now start uploading into the router. Don’t touch anything while the firmware is being uploaded. (Note: these steps worked when I flashed my RT-N16. However, the utility could not find my RT-N12 B1 when I tried to flash the router, although it did work for other people. After failing for more than a dozen times, I tried to perform the upload first before putting the router in recovery mode, then it finally worked. Later I tried a different unit of RT-N12 B1 strangely it could be flashed the first time using the normal procedure. If neither of these procedures work, please see the Addendum in The Wiert Corner, and the tftp method described by Simeon W in the comments section.)
  12. No matter whether the utility says the upload is completed, or it hangs at a certain percent, DO NOT PANIC, and WAIT FOR FIVE MINUTES before you do anything else.
  13. After five minutes, open a browser and go to Login with user “admin” (or “root”) and password “admin”. You should be logged into Tomato.
  14. Administration -> Configuration -> Restore Default Configuration -> Erase all data in NVRAM memory(thorough) -> OK (Note: there is a forum report saying this reset function does not work properly on RT-N53 – in this case, try the hardware reset button.)
  15. After it is completed, login again, enable DHCP (for Toastman Builds), change admin password, enable WiFi security if you use WiFi, plug in your WAN connection and configure it. Also take a look at the CPU frequency, you may need to manually change it if it is not correct. (Note: overclocking your router is usually not a good idea from my experience.)
  16. Change your computer LAN port back to use DHCP (dynamic address) and dynamic DNS.

Wiert Corner method

  1. pull the power plug on the RT N66U
  2. press and hold the reset button
  3. insert the power plug on the RT N66U
  4. wait for the power led to slowly blink
  5. release the reset button
  6. wait a few minutes for the modem to become stable
  7. in the mean time set your PC to these IPv4 settings: – host = – mask =
  8. start your web-browser
  9. point your web-browser to (it will time out, don’t worry)
  10. press the power button to turn off the router
  11. wait a few seconds
  12. press the power button to turn on the router now your router gets into rescue mode
  13. refresh your browser so it goes to again
  14. upload your Tomato firmware


TFTP method

Put the router into recovery mode, set a static IP address on the computer then run in the shell:

put [filename].trx

Wait several minutes while firmware transfers and router updates. Reboot twice, waiting 3 minutes in between each reboot, and the router should now have tomato installed.