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Unused properties

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This page lists unused properties that are declared although no other page makes use of them. For a differentiated view, see the entire or wanted properties special pages.

List of properties

  1. CPU1 threads of type Number
  2. ETH speed capability of type Text
  3. ETHadapter chip1 brand of type Text
  4. ETHadapter chip1 model of type Text
  5. FLA1 amount/MB of type Number
  6. FLA1 brand of type Text
  7. FLA3 chips used of type Number
  8. FLA3 model of type Text
  9. Fix Chip Information of type Text
  10. Fix Hostap diag of type Text
  11. Fix Wlanng hw of type Text
  12. Foaf:homepage of type URL
  13. Foaf:knows of type Page
  14. Foaf:name of type Text
  15. HDD Flash amount of type Quantity
  16. HDD Flash brand of type Text
  17. HDD Flash chips used of type Number
  18. HDD Flash model of type Text
  19. Has input type of type Text
  20. Has product page ID of type Text
  21. Has product page model of type Text
  22. Has support page product version of type Text
  23. LAN Speed of type Text
  24. Manuf product rev of type Text
  25. Owl:differentFrom of type Page
  26. RAM1 brand of type Text
  27. RAM1 model of type Text
  28. Radio4 module of type Page
  29. Retail of type Text
  30. SSD Flash amount of type Number
  31. SSD Flash type of type Text
  32. Stock bootloader2 of type Text
  33. Stock bootloader2/dist of type Text
  34. Stock bootloader2/full of type Text
  35. Stock bootloader2/ver of type Text
  36. Stock firmware OS2 of type Text
  37. Stock firmware OS2/full of type Text
  38. Storage controller model/full of type Text
  39. Vs id of type Text
  40. WAN Speed of type Text