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bg (G54)
Barricade g
2.4GHz 54Mbps Wireless Broadband Router
3rd Party Firmware
Tomato any flavor
wireless router
CPU1 checkY
CPU1 Type
CPU1 Speed
not specified
Flash1 Chip
Macronix MX29LV160BBTC-90
Flash1 Size
2 MiB2,097,152 B <br />16,384 Kib <br />2,048 KiB <br />16 Mib <br />0.00195 GiB <br />
RAM1 Size
8 MiB8,388,608 B <br />65,536 Kib <br />8,192 KiB <br />64 Mib <br />0.00781 GiB <br />
RAM1 Chip
ICSI IC42S16400-7T
ETH chip1
ADMtek ADM6996LC
Ethernet Port Count
Wired Standard
IEEE 802.3i/3u

802dot11 OUI: 00:13:F7 (3 E, 13 W)
Ethernet OUI: 00:13:F7 (3 E, 13 W)

Stock bootloader
ISL Rescueing Boot
Stock FW OS
Nucleus RTOS
Expansion IF types
none specified
9 VDC, 1 A
Connector type
Serial Port (UART)
yes, internal, 10-pin header, Arcadyan type1 pinout, (115200 8N1), J4, populated, 3.3V TTL

Additional chips
5GHz VCO;Intersil;ISL3084IR;3084IR, N537FK;1;
1.5A, DC/DC regulator;ANPEC;APW34063;APW34063, GG22U;1;
Hex Schmitt-Trigger Inverter;Texas Instruments;SN54LVC14A;52C2R4K, LVC14A;1;


Default SSID: SMC (9 addl. devices)
Default IP address:
the IP is used by 298 additional devices
of which 31 are SMC devices
Default login user: blank
Default login password: smcadmin
blank:smcadmin credentials used by 11 additional devices
of which 11 are SMC devices

Arcadyan WG4005D-17
FCC approval date 15 December 2004
UPC 662698582192
(UPC DB, On eBay)
ASIN B0007U0IAU Flag of the United States.svg
Country of manuf China
Radio 1
Intersil ISL3686B
Wireless interface OUI
Antenna Connector Type
Wireless Standard
IEEE 802.11b/g
up to 54 Mbps
up to 11 Mbps
WiFi Operating Frequency
2.4 GHz

For a list of all currently documented ADMtek chipsets with specifications, see ADMtek.
For a list of all currently documented Intersil chipsets with specifications, see Intersil.

For a list of all currently documented SMC device with specifications, see SMC.

54 Mbps - 2.4GHz 802.11g = G54 class


"P/N: 14100520010J REV: 01" and "MADE IN TAIWAN" is silkscreened on the top of the board of the unit populating this entry.

A date code of 0536 (September 2005) is silkscreened on the bottom of the board.
A mixture of (mostly) Rubycon (power side), Chemi-Con, and Wendell branded radial capacitors are in use.
A label reading IC9-17, V1.00.024 was affixed to the Flash before removal.

This device would seem to be using the Nucleus RTOS.

Links of Interest

JTAG-Serial Info


Serial Pinouts

The used pinout is somewhat commonly used by other Arcadyan devices..

(GND) (   ) (TxD) (RxD) [   ]
(3.3) (   ) (   ) (   ) (   )

|                      -------> to likely JTAG
v LEDs

Info derived from

boot log
Rescueing Boot for the ISL3893, version
Copyright (C) 1993-2002 Intersil Americas Inc. All Rights Reserved.
MAC Address: 00.13.f7.09.89.d6
Forcing soft reset from Bootloader▒
Rescueing Boot for the ISL3893, version
Copyright (C) 1993-2002 Intersil Americas Inc. All Rights Reserved.
MAC Address: 00.13.f7.09.89.d6

Boot: start searching for image... Found
Boot: Checking Image CRC32...  Okay.
Disable PORT 0

                            NetMall System Boot

Copyright 2003  Accton, Inc.

CPU: Intersil ISL3893  Processor
POST Version: 0.00.08
Creation Date: 2004.09.07

Press <space> key three times to stop auto-boot...

Verifying product code......PASS
Boot Product Code!!!
 Reg0x00 = 0xFFFF
 Reg0x01 = 0x880F
 Reg0x02 = 0x0000
 Reg0x03 = 0x840F
 Reg0x04 = 0x0000
 Reg0x05 = 0x840F
 Reg0x06 = 0x0000
 Reg0x07 = 0x840F
 Reg0x08 = 0x840F
 Reg0x09 = 0x881F
 Reg0x0A = 0x5802
 Reg0x0B = 0x8001
 Reg0x0C = 0x0000
 Reg0x0D = 0x0000
 Reg0x0E = 0xFA50
 Reg0x0F = 0xFA50
 Reg0x10 = 0x0040
 Reg0x11 = 0xE320
 Reg0x12 = 0x3600
 Reg0x13 = 0x01D5
 Reg0x14 = 0x01D4
 Reg0x15 = 0x0101
 Reg0x16 = 0x01D5
 Reg0x17 = 0x01D5
 Reg0x18 = 0x01D5
 Reg0x19 = 0xFFD5
 Reg0x1A = 0xFFD5
 Reg0x1B = 0xFFD5
 Reg0x1C = 0xFFD5
 Reg0x1D = 0xFFD5
 Reg0x1E = 0xFFD5
 Reg0x1F = 0xFFD5
 Reg0x20 = 0x81D5
 Reg0x21 = 0xFFD5
 Reg0x22 = 0xFFD5
OID_CTRL_SetFrequency: New channel is 3 !
Crash log handle begin:007C0048
w SSID is 'ISL3893_11G' !
wlanSetSSIDBrdCast: Hide real SSID!
OID_CTRL_SetNitroMode: set value = 1000
OID_CTRL_SetSTATimout: set value = 600

DHCPC:DHCP Client Started.

DHCPS:DHCP Server Started.

  WG4005D-17 project:
    Command Line Interface. v.1.00.024 2004.1215
  MVC version:  V1.0.2.1

cmd> ap_cfg_Init: ap_cfg.wireless_mode_admin = 2
ap_cfg_SetwirelessModeAdmin: admin = 2
wlanSetSSIDBrdCast: Show real SSID!
WLAN_IfStop: device state is 2 ,type is 1!
WLAN_IfStop: Device already running!
wlanReset: Device already running!
OID_CTRL_SetFrequency: New channel is 6 !
wlanSetSSIDBrdCast: Show real SSID!
OID_CTRL_SetNitroMode: set value = 1000
OID_CTRL_SetSTATimout: set value = 600
add listen port

Discovery >> Success to get if addr = 102a8c0
arp_rtrequest: bad gateway value
>> Discovery Serial NO =  ...

>> Discovery Serial NO = S540006875 ...

Discovery >> Ready to be discovered
shell help
cmd> help

            Command Line Interface v0.01
rmem      : Read memory.
        Usage : rmem <Address> [Num of Words]
wmem      : Write memory.
        Usage : wmem <Address> <Data0> [Data1] ... [Data7]
rmi       : read mii phy register.
        Usage : rmi <phy addr> <reg>
wmi       : write mii phy register.
        Usage : wmi <phy addr> <reg> <Data>
time      : Get current system time.
        Usage : time
settime   : Set system time.
        Usage : settime <hh:mm:ss> [yy/mm/dd] [TZ(GMT +/- hour)]
help      : List all commands.
        Usage : help
mkdir     : Make directories.
        Usage : mkdir <dir>
create    : Create files.
        Usage : create <file>
cat       : Concatenate files.
        Usage : cat <file>
ls        : List directory contents.
        Usage : ls [dir]
rm        : Remove files.
        Usage : rm <file>
rmdir     : Remove directories.
        Usage : rmdir <DIRECTORY>
copy      : Copy files.
        Usage : copy <source> <destination>
nvclear   : Clear all of the NVFS files.
        Usage : nvclear
routeShow : Show Route.
        Usage : routeShow
routeAdd  : Add Route.
        Usage : routeAdd <dest> <mask> <gateway>
routeDel  : Del Route.
        Usage : routeDel <dest> <mask> <gateway>
routeModify: Modify Route.
        Usage : routeModify <index> <dest> <mask> <gateway>
defaultRouteSet: Set Route Status.
        Usage : defaultRouteSet <mode : 1|2 = enable|disable>
defaultRouteGet: Get Route Status.
        Usage : defaultRouteGet
mbufShow  : Show Mbuf statistics.
        Usage : mbufShow
ifShow    : Dispaly network interface.
        Usage : ifShow <ifname>
ifAllShow : Dispaly all network interface.
        Usage : ifAllShow
taskShow  : Show Task informations.
        Usage : taskShow
semShow   : Show Semaphore informations.
        Usage : semShow
timerShow : Show Timer informations.
        Usage : timerShow
memShow   : Show memory pool informations.
        Usage : memShow
msgqShow  : Show message queue informations.
        Usage : msgqShow
eventShow : Show event group informations.
        Usage : eventShow
knlShow   : Show kernel resource informations.
        Usage : knlShow
ipConfig  : Configure interface address and subnet mask.
        Usage : ipConfig [ifname] [ip] [subnet mask]
ipStatus  : Change IP status. 1 for Enabled, 2 for Disabled..
        Usage : ipStatus [ifname] [status]
ipAdd     : Add alias IP address..
        Usage : ipAdd [ifname] [ip] [netmask]
ipDel     : Delete alias IP address..
        Usage : ipAdd [ifname] [ip] [netmask]
ethmib    : Show/Reset ethernet port MIB counters.
        Usage : ethmib [reset]
arpAdd    : Add an ARP entry to ARP table..
        Usage : arpAdd [ip] <Ethernet Address>
arpDel    : Delete an ARP entry..
        Usage : arpDel [ip]
arpGet    : Get the hardware address of a specify IP..
        Usage : arpGet [ip]
arpFlush  : Flush ARP table..
        Usage : arpFlush [ifname]
ping      : Ping a host..
        Usage : ping [ip] [ms]
dhcpcRelease: Release the IP address for the specified interface..
        Usage : dhcpcRelease [ifname]
dhcpcRenew: Renew the IP address for the specified interface..
        Usage : dhcpcRenew [ifname]
dhcpcLog  : Show dhcpclog..
        Usage : dhcpcLog
dhcpcLogTest: Test dhcpclog..
        Usage : dhcpcLogTest [line_num]
dhcpsStart: Start DHCP Server..
        Usage : dhcpsStart
dhcpsStop : Stop DHCP Server..
        Usage : dhcpsStop
dhcpsAddIp: Add static IP to the DHCP server.
        Usage : dhcpsAddIp [mac(00-00-00-00-00-00)] [ip(]
dhcpsDelIp: Delete static IP from the DHCP server.
        Usage : dhcpsDelIp [ip(]
dhcpsBindingNum: Print binding number of the DHCP server.
        Usage : dhcpsBindingNum
dhcpsShowStatic: Print static IP of the DHCP server.
        Usage : dhcpsShowStatic
natShow   : Show NAT link table information.
        Usage : natShow
triggerPort: Set trigger port, when public port num is 0 will delete this entry..
        Usage : triggerPort [index] [port] <protocol> [public port num] [start] [end] [protocol]....
triggerShow: Show trigger port information.
        Usage : triggerShow
gethostbyname: gethostbyname.
        Usage : gethostbyname
tftpc     : TFTP client.
        Usage : tftpc <GET|PUT> <host> <remotename> <localname>
tftps     : Start TFTP server.
        Usage : tftps [dir] [timeout]
update    : Update runtime code (need to download image file "download" to /tmp).
        Usage : update
setAccessHost: Add/delete access host.
        Usage : setAccessHost [NET(xx.xx.xx.xx)] [MASK (xx.xx.xx.xx)] <index>
accessHostShow: Show access host information.
        Usage : accessHostShow
ripStart  : Enable RIP .
        Usage : ripStart [version]
ripStop   : Disable RIP .
        Usage : ripStop
ripShow   : Show RIP table .
        Usage : ripShow
ripShow2  : Show RIP table 2 .
        Usage : ripShow2
testMD5   : Test MD5.
        Usage : testMD5
ripSet    : Set RIP status ,receiveMode ,and sendMode.
        Usage : ripSet [status(1|2 = Enable|Disable] [sendMode(1|2|3|4 = RipV1|RipV2|RipV1Compatible|Disable)] [receiveMode(1|2|3|4 = RipV1|RipV2|RipV1Compatible|Disable)]
ripDebug  : Set RIP debug mode.
        Usage : ripDebug mode(1|0 = enable|disable)
apstate   : Show AP statistics.
        Usage : apstate [0: stop|1: start]
netdbg    : Switch network debug mode.
        Usage : netdbg
neterrcnt : Show network error count.
        Usage : neterrcnt
setmode   : set bridge mode or routing mode.
        Usage : setmode
setnitro  : set Nitro mode.
        Usage : setnitro
setnonerp : set protection mode.
        Usage : setnonerp
wsBasic   : set Basic Rate(1~14).
        Usage : wsBasic
wsTxrate  : set Tx Rate(1~13).
        Usage : wsTxrate
wgTxrate  : get Tx Rate.
        Usage : wgTxrate
init6996  : initial ADM6996.
        Usage : init6996
readreg   : Read ADM6996 Reg.
        Usage : ReadReg
clkhi     : Set Clock HI .
        Usage : clkhi
clklow    : Set Clock Low.
        Usage : clklow
URLHashTableShow: Show URL Hash Table.
        Usage : URLHashTableShow
wsssid    : set ssid.
        Usage : wsssid ssid
wsossid   : set override-ssid.
        Usage : wsossid [ossid]
wgssid    : get ssid.
        Usage : wgssid
wsch      : set channel.
        Usage : wsch channel
wgch      : get channel.
        Usage : wgch
wsfreq    : set channel-Freq.
        Usage : wsfreq channel
wgstaall  : get associated STA info.
        Usage : wgstaall
wgstaone  : get associated STA info by index.
        Usage : wgstaone <index>
wgsta     : get STA info by index.
        Usage : wgsta <index>
wgrate    : get rates.
        Usage : wgrates
wsprofile : set profile.
        Usage : set profile_num
wshowbss  : show all bss.
        Usage : wshowbss
wshowmib  : show wireless mib.
        Usage : wshowmib
wshowwep  : show device wep.
        Usage : wshowwep
wgbssmax  : get bss num.
        Usage : wgbssmax
wgstamax  : get sta num.
        Usage : wgstamax
wspreamble: set preamble.
        Usage : wspreamble <preamble>
wsmaxpow  : set RF output power by channel.
        Usage : wsmaxpow <channel> <power>
wgmaxpow  : Get RF output power by channel.
        Usage : wgmaxpow
wsantdiv  : Set antenna diversity.
        Usage : wsantdiv <antenna diversity>
wgantdiv  : Show antenna diversity.
        Usage : wgantdiv
wgpsm     : get power save mode.
        Usage : wgpsm
wspsm     : set power save mode.
        Usage : wspsm  <a(active),p(powersave),d(dynamic)>
wswds     : set wds link.
        Usage : wswds <>
wsrmwds   : remove wds link.
        Usage : wsrmwds <>
wsaddwds  : add wds link.
        Usage : wsaddwds
wsdelwds  : del wds link.
        Usage : wsdelwds
wggetwds  : get wds link.
        Usage : wggetwds
wgwdslink : get wdslink on/off.
        Usage : wgwdslink
wswdslink : set wdslink on/off.
        Usage : wswdslink
wgscaninterval: get scan interval .
        Usage : wgscaninterval
wsscaninterval: set scan interval .
        Usage : wsscaninterval <interval>
wgallwds  :  all wds on air  .
        Usage : wgallwds
setdevstate: set wlan state.
        Usage : setdevstate <h,s,r>
wds_init  : Init wds.
        Usage : wds_init
wpagetmode: get wpa mode.
        Usage : wpagetmode
wpasetmode: set wpa mode.
        Usage : wpasetmode [0:disable][1:enable_manual][2:enable_passphrase]
wpagetmkey: get manual key.
        Usage : wpagetmkey
wpasetmkey: set manual key.
        Usage : wpasetmkey <manual key>
wpagetakey: set pass-phrase str.
        Usage : wpagetakey
wpasetakey: set pass-phrase str.
        Usage : wpasetakey <ascii key>
wpashowc  : show all wpa client.
        Usage : wpashowc
wpagetgkupdate: get wpa group key update times.
        Usage : wpagetgkupdate
wpasetgkupdate: set wpa group key update times.
        Usage : wpasetgkupdate <count>
wpasetnomicerror: set wpa no mic error value.
        Usage : wpasetnomicerror [0:handle mic error][1:do not handle mic error]
memCheck  : check dynamic memory pool.
        Usage : memCheck
crashlogprint: Print crash logs.
        Usage : crashlogprinf
delshiparea: Delete Shipping Area Setting.
        Usage : delshiparea
r6996s    : Read ADM6996 serial register.
        Usage : r6996s [address]
r6996E    : Read ADM6996 EEPROM register.
        Usage : r6996E [address]
w6996E    : Write ADM6996 EEPROM register.
        Usage : w6996E [address] [data]
wr6996E   : Write and Read ADM6996 EEPROM register.
        Usage : wr6996E [address] [data]
radiusget : get radius info.
        Usage : radiusget <index>
radiusset : set radius info.
        Usage : radiusset <index> <ip> <port> <secret> <nas id>
dot1xmodeset: set dot1x mode.
        Usage : dot1xmodeset <mode>
dot1xidleset: set dot1x idle session timeout.
        Usage : dot1xidleset <timeout value>
dot1xreauthset: set dot1x re-authentication period.
        Usage : dot1xreauthset <period time>
dot1xquietset: set dot1x quiet period.
        Usage : dot1xquietset <period time>
dot1xsummary: get dot1x setting summary.
        Usage : dot1xsummary
dot1xshowauth: show dot1x auth pool.
        Usage : dot1xshowauth
cmd> ls

 D              nv
 D              dev
 D              tmp
 D              etc

          4 File(s)      0 bytes

cmd> ls /etc

 F        22    resolv.conf

          1 File(s)      22 bytes

cmd> ls /tmp

 F     16384    eventlog
 F     16384    dhcpclog
 F    524288    download

          3 File(s)      557056 bytes

cmd> ls /nv

 F        20    mode_cfg
 F        85    download_cfg
 F      1539    user
 F       428    ddns_dyndns
 F       212    ddns_tzo
 F       196    ddns_noip
 F       140    ddns_dyncom
 F        16    time_zone_cfg
 F        72    sntpc_cfg
 F        12    usr_time
 F       224    ip_cfg
 F        44    dns_relay_cfg
 F      1132    pppoecfg
 F        72    dhcpc_cfg
 F        43    nat_cfg
 F       320    nat_cfg_masq
 F       920    nat_cfg_rd
 F      3150    nat_cfg_vs
 F        72    nat_cfg_dmz
 F      1900    nat_cfg_trg
 F       328    route_cfg
 F       284    dhcps
 F       152    dhcpsblk
 F      3810    dhcpsstls
 F        28    firewall_cfg
 F         4    ip_defense_cfg
 F       204    ip_filter_cfg
 F         8    http_cfg
 F        32    access_host_cfg
 F       620    pptpcfg
 F       272    ethftr_cfg
 F       196    mail_cfg
 F       608    usr_dot1x_cfg
 F        32    admin_cfg
 F       136    bpa_login_cfg
 F        48    ip_bootup
 F         4    usr_wan_ping
 F      1204    urlblocking_cfg
 F         4    usr_country_cfg
 F       588    ap_cfg
 F       244    wdslink_cfg
 F         4    usr_filter
 F       760    usr_schrule
 F       780    usr_accessctrl
 F      1200    usr_blocking
 F       120    dstiprule_cfg
 F       260    cnnctrl_cfg
 F       260    assctrl_cfg
 F        12    alldmz_cfg
 F        58    upnp_cfg
 F        32    usrsvs_cfg
 F        96    usr_sandbox_cfg
 F         4    usr_wizard_cfg
 F        40    cso_cfg
 F        28    usr_syslog_cfg
 F         4    usr_ddnsp

          56 File(s)      23061 bytes

cmd> ls /dev

 F         0    flash0
 F         0    uart0

          2 File(s)      0 bytes
cmd> semShow

Semaphore Table List
   Name             Type      Count  TasksWaitting
0. MFS_SEM         FIFO      1       0
1. netSem          FIFO      0       1
2. netTime         FIFO      1       0
3. splSem          FIFO      1       0
4. hosttbl         FIFO      1       0
5. mblksem         PRIORITY  1       0
6. mclsem          PRIORITY  1       0
7. FLSH            FIFO      1       0
8. sio_Rx0         FIFO      0       0
9. sio_RT0         FIFO      1       0
10. NVRAM           FIFO      1       0
11. modecfg         FIFO      1       0
12. CrashLo         FIFO      1       0
13. eventLo         FIFO      1       0
14. downloa         FIFO      1       0
15. user_cf         FIFO      1       0
16. ddns_dy         FIFO      1       0
17. ddns_tz         FIFO      1       0
18. ddns_no         FIFO      1       0
19. ddns_dy         FIFO      1       0
20. time_zo         FIFO      1       0
21. sntpc_c         FIFO      1       0
22. usrtime         FIFO      1       0
23. ip_cfg          FIFO      1       0
24. dns_rel         FIFO      1       0
25. pppoe_c         FIFO      1       0
26. dhcpc_c         FIFO      1       0
27. dhcpcLo         FIFO      1       0
28. DhcpcSe         FIFO      1       0
29. dhcpcMu         FIFO      1       0
30. dhcpcEv         FIFO      1       0
31. dhcp_ti         FIFO      1       0
32. leaseSe         FIFO      1       0
33. nat_cfg         FIFO      1       0
34. port_ma         FIFO      1       0
35. route_c         FIFO      1       0
36. dhcps_c         FIFO      1       0
37. ip_fire         FIFO      1       0
38. ip_defe         FIFO      1       0
39. ip_filt         FIFO      1       0
40. http_cf         FIFO      1       0
41. access_         FIFO      1       0
42. pptp_cf         FIFO      1       0
43. ethftr_         FIFO      1       0
44. mail_cf         FIFO      1       0
45. usr_dot         FIFO      1       0
46. admin_c         FIFO      1       0
47. bpa_log         FIFO      1       0
48. ip_boot         FIFO      1       0
49. usr_wan         FIFO      1       0
cmd> ifShow
lo (unit number 0):
     Internet address:
     Netmask 0xff000000 Subnetmask 0xff000000
     Metric is 0
     Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1536
     0 packets received; 0 packets sent
     0 multicast packets received
     0 multicast packets sent
     0 input errors; 0 output errors
     0 collisions; 0 dropped
adm (unit number 0):
     Internet address:
     Broadcast address:
     Netmask 0xffffff00 Subnetmask 0xffffff00
     Ethernet address is 00:13:f7:09:89:d6
     Metric is 0
     Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1500
     0 packets received; 2 packets sent
     0 multicast packets received
     2 multicast packets sent
     0 input errors; 0 output errors
     0 collisions; 0 dropped
adm (unit number 1):
     Netmask 0xe52de004 Subnetmask 0xa000360
     Ethernet address is 00:13:f7:09:89:d7
     Metric is 0
     Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1500
     0 packets received; 10 packets sent
     0 multicast packets received
     0 multicast packets sent
     0 input errors; 0 output errors
     0 collisions; 0 dropped
adm (unit number 2):
     Netmask 0xe52de004 Subnetmask 0xa000360
     Ethernet address is 00:13:f7:09:89:d6
     Metric is 0
     Maximum Transfer Unit size is 1500
     0 packets received; 2 packets sent
     0 multicast packets received
     2 multicast packets sent
     0 input errors; 0 output errors
     0 collisions; 0 dropped


cmd> memShow

Memory Pool List
   Name            StartAddr  Size  MinAlloc Available    Type TasksWaiting
0. KenMem          0x3AB7EC   1835008   48      549688    FIFO          0
1. FileMem         0x56B86C   1179648   48      144       FIFO          0
2. SysMem          0x68B8EC   1197844   48      961976    FIFO          0
cmd> knlShow

Task Table List
   Name            Priority         Status
0. KnlTask         0        QUEUE_SUSPEND
1. tNetTas         50       SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND
2. tNvTask         100      SLEEP_SUSPEND
3. ddns            100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
4. tSntpc          100      SLEEP_SUSPEND
5. tDnsPro         99       SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND
6. tDhcpcT         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
7. tDhcpsT         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
8. tHttpD          99       SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND
9. tHtpTsk         99       QUEUE_SUSPEND
10. clitask         5        READY
11. MailD           100      SLEEP_SUSPEND
12. tFpi            100      SLEEP_SUSPEND
13. tDot1x          100      SLEEP_SUSPEND
14. tDiscov         100      SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND

Memory Pool List
   Name            StartAddr  Size  MinAlloc Available    Type TasksWaiting
0. KenMem          0x3AB7EC   1835008   48      549688    FIFO          0
1. FileMem         0x56B86C   1179648   48      144       FIFO          0
2. SysMem          0x68B8EC   1197844   48      961976    FIFO          0

Semaphore Table List
   Name             Type      Count  TasksWaitting
0. MFS_SEM         FIFO      1       0
1. netSem          FIFO      0       0
2. netTime         FIFO      1       0
3. splSem          FIFO      1       0
4. hosttbl         FIFO      1       0
5. mblksem         PRIORITY  1       0
6. mclsem          PRIORITY  1       0
7. FLSH            FIFO      1       0
8. sio_Rx0         FIFO      0       0
9. sio_RT0         FIFO      1       0
10. NVRAM           FIFO      1       0
11. modecfg         FIFO      1       0
12. CrashLo         FIFO      1       0
13. eventLo         FIFO      1       0
14. downloa         FIFO      1       0
15. user_cf         FIFO      1       0
16. ddns_dy         FIFO      1       0
17. ddns_tz         FIFO      1       0
18. ddns_no         FIFO      1       0
19. ddns_dy         FIFO      1       0
20. time_zo         FIFO      1       0
21. sntpc_c         FIFO      1       0
22. usrtime         FIFO      1       0
23. ip_cfg          FIFO      1       0
24. dns_rel         FIFO      1       0
25. pppoe_c         FIFO      1       0
26. dhcpc_c         FIFO      1       0
27. dhcpcLo         FIFO      1       0
28. DhcpcSe         FIFO      1       0
29. dhcpcMu         FIFO      1       0
30. dhcpcEv         FIFO      1       0
31. dhcp_ti         FIFO      1       0
32. leaseSe         FIFO      1       0
33. nat_cfg         FIFO      1       0
34. port_ma         FIFO      1       0
35. route_c         FIFO      1       0
36. dhcps_c         FIFO      1       0
37. ip_fire         FIFO      1       0
38. ip_defe         FIFO      1       0
39. ip_filt         FIFO      1       0
40. http_cf         FIFO      1       0
41. access_         FIFO      1       0
42. pptp_cf         FIFO      1       0
43. ethftr_         FIFO      1       0
44. mail_cf         FIFO      1       0
45. usr_dot         FIFO      1       0
46. admin_c         FIFO      1       0
47. bpa_log         FIFO      1       0
48. ip_boot         FIFO      1       0
49. usr_wan         FIFO      1       0

Timer Table List
   Name            Status    InitialTime Expirations
0. t0              Enable    98         0
1. t1              Disable   19         1
2. t2              Enable    49         0
3. tsysClk         Enable    1          0
4. t3              Enable    98         0
5. t4              Enable    5880       0
6. t5              Disable   1          1
7. t6              Enable    6272       0
8. t7              Enable    58800      0
9. SelTime         Enable    5          0
10. SelTime         Enable    2          0

Message queue List
   Name            StartAddr     Size   Available    Suspend  TasksWaiting
0. KnlQueu         0x68EA00   10        10          FIFO       1
1. netq            0x68EADC   100       99          FIFO       0
2. ddnsd           0x6965A8   10        10          FIFO       1
3. sntpc           0x699EF0   1         1           FIFO       0
4. dnsprox         0x69C2D4   10        10          FIFO       0
5. dhcpEve         0x69F288   10        10          FIFO       1
6. dhcpsEv         0x6A4CDC   10        10          FIFO       1
7. httpdq          0x6A76AC   10        10          FIFO       0
8. httpd           0x6A7808   10        10          FIFO       1
9. maild           0x6AE474   10        10          FIFO       0

Event Group List
   Name                Flag   tasksWaiting


cmd> timerShow

Timer Table List
   Name            Status    InitialTime Expirations
0. t0              Enable    98         0
1. t1              Disable   19         1
2. t2              Enable    49         0
3. tsysClk         Enable    1          0
4. t3              Enable    98         0
5. t4              Enable    5880       0
6. t5              Enable    1          0
7. t6              Enable    6272       0
8. t7              Enable    58800      0
9. SelTime         Enable    5          0
10. SelTime         Enable    2          0


cmd> taskShow

Task Table List
   Name            Priority         Status
0. KnlTask         0        QUEUE_SUSPEND
1. tNetTas         50       READY
2. tNvTask         100      SLEEP_SUSPEND
3. ddns            100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
4. tSntpc          100      READY
5. tDnsPro         99       SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND
6. tDhcpcT         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
7. tDhcpsT         100      QUEUE_SUSPEND
8. tHttpD          99       SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND
9. tHtpTsk         99       QUEUE_SUSPEND
10. clitask         5        READY
11. MailD           100      READY
12. tFpi            100      READY
13. tDot1x          100      SLEEP_SUSPEND
14. tDiscov         100      SEMAPHORE_SUSPEND