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Scientific Atlanta WebSTAR DPC2100

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multiple revisions of this device, use caution
cable modem
3rd Party Firmware
Tomato any flavor
Scientific Atlanta DPC2100 R1
cable modem
CPU1 checkY
Broadcom BCM3349
CPU1 Type
CPU1 Speed
not specified
Flash1 Chip
Macronix MX29LV160CBTC-90G
Flash1 Size
2 MiB2,097,152 B <br />16,384 Kib <br />2,048 KiB <br />16 Mib <br />0.00195 GiB <br />
RAM1 Size
8 MiB8,388,608 B <br />65,536 Kib <br />8,192 KiB <br />64 Mib <br />0.00781 GiB <br />
RAM1 Chip
Samsung K4S641632H-UC60
ETH chip1
Broadcom BCM3349
Cable Modem Spec
Ethernet Port Count
Wired Standard
IEEE 802.3i/3u

Ethernet OUI: 00:14:F8 (1 E, -)

Stock FW OS
Expansion IF types
USB 2.0 (slave)
USB ports
USB Hub Compatible
12 VDC, 1 A
Connector type
Serial Port (UART)
yes, 4-pin header, 3.3V TTL, (115200 8N1), CON2
yes, 8-pin header, populated, J221

Additional chips
Direct Conversion Cable Tuner;Broadcom;BCM3419;BROADCOM, BCM3419KML, cP0549 P10, P1XY1 05;1;

(Est.) release date February 2006
ASIN B002V41X2M Flag of the United States.svg
Country of manuf China
 CPU1 brandFLA1RAM1
Scientific Atlanta WebSTAR DPC2100Broadcom2 MiB2,097,152 B <br />16,384 Kib <br />2,048 KiB <br />16 Mib <br />0.00195 GiB <br />8 MiB8,388,608 B <br />65,536 Kib <br />8,192 KiB <br />64 Mib <br />0.00781 GiB <br />
Scientific Atlanta WebSTAR DPC2100R2Broadcom2 MiB2,097,152 B <br />16,384 Kib <br />2,048 KiB <br />16 Mib <br />0.00195 GiB <br />8 MiB8,388,608 B <br />65,536 Kib <br />8,192 KiB <br />64 Mib <br />0.00781 GiB <br />

For a list of all currently documented Broadcom chipsets with specifications, see Broadcom.


"PCB MADE IN CHINA", "REV: 2.20D", and a date code of 0608

is silkscreened on one particular DPC2100's board.

Teapo and Lelon branded capacitors are found on this board.

Links of Interest

JTAG-Serial Info


boot log • >>
MemSize: ......................... 8M
Flash detected @0xbe000000
Signature: 2100

Broadcom BootLoader Version: 2.1.6d release Gnu
Build Date: Apr 27 2004
Build Time: 22:22:16

Image 1 Program Header:
   Signature: 2100
     Control: 0005
   Major Rev: 0003
   Minor Rev: 0000
  Build Time: 2006/3/3 09:34:45 Z
 File Length: 856457 bytes
Load Address: 80010000
    Filename: dpc2100R2-v202r1256a-060303.bin
         HCS: 9ee2
         CRC: 74d5dd4c

HCS failed on Image 2 Program Header
Enter '1', '2', or 'p' within 2 seconds or take default...
. .
Performing CRC on Image 1...
Detected LZMA compressed image... decompressing...
Target Address: 0x80010000
Decompressed length: 3407994
Executing Image 1...
 eCos - hal_diag_init
Init device '/dev/ttydiag'
Init tty channel: 8031e7a8
Init device '/dev/tty0'
Init tty channel: 8031e7c8
Init device '/dev/haldiag'
HAL/diag SERIAL init
Init device '/dev/ser0'
BCM 33XX SERIAL init - dev: 0.2
Set output buffer - buf: 803505b0 len: 2048
Set input buffer - buf: 80350db0 len: 2048
BCM 33XX SERIAL config

Reading Permanent settings from non-vol...
Checksum for permanent settings:  0x564605f5

* One or more of the settings groups was upgraded.
Settings were read and verified.

Reading Dynamic settings from non-vol...
Checksum for dynamic settings:  0x288008b
Settings were read and verified.
vvv Interface creation and driver startup beginning vvv

-> Begin DOCSIS CM WAN interface
        Creating HAL object for the DOCSIS CableModem interface
        Registering DOCSIS CableModem driver
-> End DOCSIS CM WAN interface

-> Begin Ethernet LAN interfaces
        Creating HAL object for the Ethernet interface
        Registering Ethernet driver
-> End Ethernet LAN interfaces

-> Begin USB LAN interface
        Creating HAL object for the USB 1.1 interface
        Registering USB driver
-> End USB LAN interface

-> Begin IP Stack interfaces
-> Starting V2 DHCP Client subsystem...
        Creating HAL object for IP Stack1 (MAC Addr=00:14:f8:ce:33:cc)
        Registering IP Stack1 driver

        Creating HAL object for IP Stack2 (MAC Addr=00:0f:21:de:ad:02)
        Registering IP Stack2 driver

        IP Stack3 not enabled or failed to create and start interface; no other stacks will be loaded.
-> End IP Stack interfaces

^^^ Interface creation and driver startup complete ^^^

Propane version: 2.0.1 (28 Oct 2002)
DON'T think we need to go here - so don't:::: init_mib !!!!
WARNING: netsnmp_brcm_create_tstring called with no address!
Creating SNMP agent cablemodem agent
Creating SNMP agent CPE diag agent
SAHttpCacheVariables::GetSingletonInstance:  WARNING - the singleton instance is NULL, and someone is accessing it!
Setting up the SAHttpCacheVariables singleton pointer.

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 |                                                                   |
 | WebSTAR is a trademark of Scientific-Atlanta. Scientific-Atlanta  |
 | and the Scientific-Atlanta logo are registered trademarks of      |
 | Scientific-Atlanta, Inc.                                          |
 | (c)2005 Scientific-Atlanta, Inc. All rights reserved.             |
 | (c)2005 Broadcom Corporation. All rights reserved.                |
 | CM  ( v3.9.5 )                                                    |
 |                                                                   |

  Revision :  v2.0.2r1256-060303
  Build Date:  Mar  3 2006
  Build Time:  17:34:30
  Built By:    gordon_c

Running the system...

===================>>> Try LKF first!!!!!!!!
741000000 Hz...

Type 'help' or '?' for a list of commands...

CM> 729000000 Hz...
735000000 Hz...
723000000 Hz...
717000000 Hz...
843000000 Hz...
849000000 Hz...
837000000 Hz...
453000000 Hz...
=================>>> Finish scanning LKF!!!!!!!!
453000000 Hz...
459000000 Hz...
465000000 Hz...
471000000 Hz...
477000000 Hz...
483000000 Hz...
489000000 Hz...
495000000 Hz...
501000000 Hz...
507000000 Hz...
513000000 Hz...
519000000 Hz...
525000000 Hz...
531000000 Hz...
537000000 Hz...
543000000 Hz...
549000000 Hz...
555000000 Hz...
561000000 Hz...
567000000 Hz...
573000000 Hz...
579000000 Hz...
585000000 Hz...
591000000 Hz...
597000000 Hz...
603000000 Hz...
609000000 Hz...
615000000 Hz...
621000000 Hz...
627000000 Hz...
633000000 Hz...
639000000 Hz...
645000000 Hz...
651000000 Hz...
657000000 Hz...
663000000 Hz...
669000000 Hz...
675000000 Hz...
681000000 Hz...
687000000 Hz...
693000000 Hz...
699000000 Hz...
705000000 Hz...
711000000 Hz...
717000000 Hz...
723000000 Hz...
729000000 Hz...
735000000 Hz...
741000000 Hz...
747000000 Hz...
753000000 Hz...
759000000 Hz...
765000000 Hz...
771000000 Hz...
777000000 Hz...
783000000 Hz...
789000000 Hz...
795000000 Hz...
801000000 Hz...
807000000 Hz...
813000000 Hz...
===================>>> Try LKF first!!!!!!!!
741000000 Hz...
729000000 Hz...
735000000 Hz...
723000000 Hz...
717000000 Hz...
843000000 Hz...
849000000 Hz...
837000000 Hz...
453000000 Hz...
=================>>> Finish scanning LKF!!!!!!!!
819000000 Hz...
825000000 Hz...
831000000 Hz...
837000000 Hz...
843000000 Hz...
849000000 Hz...
855000000 Hz...
447000000 Hz...
441000000 Hz...
435000000 Hz...
429000000 Hz...
423000000 Hz...
417000000 Hz...
411000000 Hz...
405000000 Hz...
399000000 Hz...
393000000 Hz...
387000000 Hz...
381000000 Hz...
375000000 Hz...
369000000 Hz...
363000000 Hz...
357000000 Hz...
351000000 Hz...
345000000 Hz...
339000000 Hz...
333000000 Hz...
327000000 Hz...
321000000 Hz...
315000000 Hz...
309000000 Hz...
303000000 Hz...
297000000 Hz...
291000000 Hz...
285000000 Hz...
279000000 Hz...
273000000 Hz...
267000000 Hz...
261000000 Hz...
255000000 Hz...
249000000 Hz...
243000000 Hz...
237000000 Hz...
231000000 Hz...
225000000 Hz...
219000000 Hz...
213000000 Hz...
207000000 Hz...
201000000 Hz...
195000000 Hz...
189000000 Hz...
183000000 Hz...
177000000 Hz...
171000000 Hz...
165000000 Hz...
159000000 Hz...
153000000 Hz...
147000000 Hz...
141000000 Hz...
135000000 Hz...
129000000 Hz...

See also

CPU: Broadcom BCM3348 @200MHz; Flash/RAM: 2MB/8MB
Cable tuner: Broadcom BCM3415; LNA: Broadcom BCM3401