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multiple revisions of this device, use caution
wireless router, dsl modem, analog phone gateway
3rd Party Firmware
Status Unknown
Status Unknown
Tomato any flavor
ZyXEL P-2602H WT
none specified
wireless router, dsl modem, analog phone gateway
Brand? Model?
CPU1 Speed
not specified ( 2 cores )
Flash1 Chip
Brand? Model?
Flash1 Size
? MiB
RAM1 Size
? MiB
RAM1 Chip
Brand? Model?
ETH chip1
Brand? Model?
Ethernet Port Count
1-100M"100M" is not in the list (0, 10MbE, 100MbE, 1GbE, 2.5GbE, 5GbE, 10GbE, 20GbE, 25GbE, 1x 1GbE + 1x 2.5GbE, ...) of allowed values for the "WAN speed" property.-WAN
4-100M"100M" is not in the list (0, 10MbE, 100MbE, 1GbE, 2.5GbE, 5GbE, 10GbE, 20GbE, 25GbE, 1x 1GbE + 1x 2.5GbE, ...) of allowed values for the "LAN speed" property.-LAN
Wired Standard

802dot11 OUI: 40:4A:03 (5 E, 5 W)

Expansion IF types
none specified
Connector type
Serial Port (UART)
yes, 4-in header, 3.3V TTL, (115200 8N1), J6
Availability End of Life
 CPU1 brandRadio1 chip1 brandRadio1 chip2 brand
ZyXEL P-2602HWN-D7ATexas InstrumentsTexas InstrumentsTexas Instruments

For a list of all currently documented ZyXEL device with specifications, see ZyXEL.

802.11g Wireless ADSL2+ VoIP IAD

Telenor Multi Modem 2


Boot log

bootlog • >>
ROM VER: 1.0.3
CFG 01
ROM VER: 1.0.3
CFG 01

Bootbase Version: V1.05 | 01/24/2008 21:24:18
RAM: Size = 32768 Kbytes
DRAM POST: Testing:     OK������   64K������   96K������  128K������


ZyNOS Version: V3.70(ASC.9) | 07/04/2011  16:31:26
Press any key to enter debug mode within 3 seconds.


 Ethernet WAN selected !!!
�[2J�[H�[HCopyright (c) 1994 - 2009  ZyXEL Communications Corp.

Danube Voice init
IFX MIPS24KEc MPS driver, version, (c) 2006-2008 Infineon Technologies AG
IFX VMMC device driver, version, (c) 2006-2008 Infineon Technologies AG

........ done
initialize ch = 0, set cpu port :6
ethernet address: 40:4a:03:ab:d9:9e
initialize ch = 1, ethernet address: 42:4a:03:4f:78:d9
initialize ch = 2, ethernet address: 40:4a:03:ab:d9:9f
initialize ch = 3, ethernet address: 46:4a:03:4f:78:d9
initialize ch = 4, ethernet address: 4a:4a:03:4f:78:d9
initialize ch = 5, ethernet address: 4e:4a:03:4f:78:d9
initialize ch = 6, ethernet address: 52:4a:03:4f:78:d9
initialize ch = 7, ethernet address: 56:4a:03:4f:78:d9
initialize ch = 8, ethernet address: 5a:4a:03:4f:78:d9
initialize ch = 9, ethernet address: 5e:4a:03:4f:78:d9
initialize ch = 10, ethernet address: 42:4a:03:4f:78:d9
initialize ch = 11, ethernet address: 42:4a:03:4f:78:d9
initialize ch = 12, ethernet address: 42:4a:03:4f:78:d9
initialize ch = 13, ethernet address: 42:4a:03:4f:78:d9
initialize ch = 14, ethernet address: 42:4a:03:4f:78:d9
Wan Channel init ........ done
Adjust TCP MSS is 0 
[Note] If setting MSS = 0, system will auto-detect MSS value
Set ether channel 0 in PROMISCUOUS mode

Set ether channel 1 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 3 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 4 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 5 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 6 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 7 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 8 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 9 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 10 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 11 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 12 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 13 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 14 in PROMISCUOUS mode

Set ether channel 0 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 1 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 3 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 4 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 5 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 6 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 7 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 8 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 9 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 10 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 11 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 12 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 13 in PROMISCUOUS mode
Set ether channel 14 in PROMISCUOUS mode


scan_next: chan   1g ->   1g [passive, dwell min 110 max 200]
scan_next: chan   1g ->   2g [passive, dwell min 110 max 200]
scan_next: chan   2g ->   3g [passive, dwell min 110 max 200]
IGNORE CALIBRATION: scan is ongoing

scan_next: chan   3g ->   4g [passive, dwell min 110 max 200]
scan_next: chan   4g ->   5g [passive, dwell min 110 max 200]
scan_next: chan   5g ->   6g [passive, dwell min 110 max 200]
scan_next: chan   6g ->   7g [passive, dwell min 110 max 200]
scan_next: chan   7g ->   8g [passive, dwell min 110 max 200]
scan_next: chan   8g ->   9g [passive, dwell min 110 max 200]
scan_next: chan   9g ->  10g [passive, dwell min 110 max 200]
scan_next: chan  10g ->  11g [passive, dwell min 110 max 200]
scan_next: chan  11g ->  12g [passive, dwell min 110 max 200]
scan_next: chan  12g ->  13g [passive, dwell min 110 max 200]
scan_next: done, [jiffies 2942, dwell min 110 scanend 2147484244]
IGNORE CALIBRATION: scan is ongoing

Total 6 APs 
 [Channel 1]	Noise 38%
 [Channel 2]	Noise 0%
 [Channel 3]	Noise 0%
 [Channel 4]	Noise 0%
 [Channel 5]	Noise 0%
 [Channel 6]	Noise 32%
 [Channel 7]	Noise 0%
 [Channel 8]	Noise 0%
 [Channel 9]	Noise 0%
 [Channel 10]	Noise 0%
 [Channel 11]	Noise 58%
 Rule2 random from 8 -> 2
Select Result: Rule2 Channel 4

The switch version is tantos V.1.3

Press ENTER to continue...


<img src="https://s5.pik.ba/galerija/2019-01/19/03/slika-340720-5c433288baadb-velika.jpg" | width=300px > <img src="https://a.allegroimg.com/original/1eadbc/cf9acdcb4c50a2e016f766748c17" | width=300px > <img src="https://static.itavisen.no/wp-content/uploads/imported/xyxel_telenor.JPG" | width=300px >