Dell Wireless 2350 Broadband Router (WRTA-108GD)

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Dell Wireless 2350 Broadband Router
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3rd Party Firmware
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Dell Wireless 2350
Model Part Number
Serial number prefix
wireless router
CPU1 checkY
CPU1 Type
CPU1 Speed
180 MHz
Flash1 Chip
Macronix MX29LV320ABTC-90G
Flash1 Size
4 MiB4,194,304 B <br />32,768 Kib <br />4,096 KiB <br />32 Mib <br />0.00391 GiB <br />
RAM1 Size
8 MiB8,388,608 B <br />65,536 Kib <br />8,192 KiB <br />64 Mib <br />0.00781 GiB <br />
RAM1 Chip
GLT GLT5640L16-6TC
ETH chip1
Marvell 88E6060
Ethernet Port Count
Wired Standard
IEEE 802.3i/3u

802dot11 OUI: 00:90:4B (11 E, 37 W)
Ethernet OUI: 00:90:4B (11 E, 37 W)

Stock FW OS
VxWorks OpenRG
Expansion IF types
none specified
12 VDC, 0.5 A
Connector type
5 mm (OD)
2.3 mm (ID)
9.5 mm (LEN)
Serial Port (UART)
yes, internal, 9-pin header, Gemtek type1 pinout, (9600 8N1), unpopulated, 3.3V TTL, JP1

Default SSID: wireless (9 addl. devices)
Default IP address:
the IP is used by 297 additional devices
of which 3 are Dell devices
Default login user: admin
Default login password: admin
admin:admin credentials used by 1347 additional devices
of which 5 are Dell devices

Gemtek WRTA-108GD
Availability End of Life
FCC approval date 15 August 2004
ASIN B004Y5BSA8 Flag of the United States.svg
Country of manuf Taiwan
Radio 1
Atheros AR2112A
Wireless interface OUI
Antenna Connector Type
none specified
Wireless Standard
IEEE 802.11b/g
up to 54 Mbps
up to 11 Mbps
WiFi Operating Frequency
2.4 GHz

For a list of all currently documented Atheros (QCA) chipsets with specifications, see Atheros.
For a list of all currently documented Marvell chipsets with specifications, see Marvell.

For a list of all currently documented Dell device with specifications, see Dell.

54 Mbps - 2.4GHz 802.11g = G54 class


"WRTA-108GD_V02" and "109-102-3401" is silkscreened on the board pictured below.

Links of Interest

JTAG-Serial Info


Serial Pinouts

(   ) (TxD) (   ) (   ) (RxD)
      (3.3) (3.3) (GND) (GND)


They're the default Atheros AP credentials.

Username: Admin
Password: 5up

Info derived from

Boot log

boot log • >>
ar531x rev 0x00005850 firmware startup...

Atheros AR5001AP default version

Attaching to TFFS... done.
Loading /fl/APIMG1...18920 + 1488320 + 105600
Starting at 0x804846e0...

/fl/  - Volume is OK
Reading Configuration File "/fl/apcfg".
Configuration file checksum: 44e94 is good
Please check the ethernet cable on port 1!
Attaching interface lo0...done
*               Initializing Jungo OpenRG                *
wireless access point starting...
0x80649510 (openrg): loading license key: Dell
0x80649510 (openrg): Device lmr0 initialized
sock_set_sockopt 0: failed setting non-blocking
0x80649510 (openrg): rtinit: wrong ifa (807c1674) was (807c114c)
0x80649510 (openrg): rtinit: wrong ifa (807c1ca4) was (807c1c20)
0x80649510 (openrg): STP: vp256 enters blocking mode
0x80649510 (openrg): rtinit: wrong ifa (807c1ca4) was (807c1c20)
Start Main() Lizzy mt_tony Ver is V2.8
Listen packet start
Auto Channel Scan selected 2412 MHz, channel 1
wlan1 Ready
0x80633f70 (nashaTaska): STP: vp256 exits blocking mode


wlan1 - ?
List of Access Point CLI commands:
 config wlan                        -- config wlanX
 connect bss                        -- connect to bssX
 del acl                            -- Delete Access Control List
 del key                            -- Delete Encryption key
 find bss                           -- Find BSS
 find channel                       -- Find Available Channel
 find all                           -- Find All BSS
 ftp                                -- Software update via FTP
 get 11gonly                        -- Display 11g Only Allowed
 get 11goptimize                    -- Display 11g Optimization Level
 get 11goverlapbss                  -- Display Overlapping BSS Protection
 get acl                            -- Display Access Control List
 get aging                          -- Display Aging Interval
 get antenna                        -- Display Antenna Diversity
 get association                    -- Display Association Table
 get authentication                 -- Display Authentication Type
 get autochannelselect              -- Display Auto Channel Select
 get beaconinterval                 -- Display Beacon Interval
 get burstSeqThreshold              -- Display Max Number of frames in a Burst
 get burstTime                      -- Display Burst Time
 get channel                        -- Display Radio Channel
 get cipher                         -- Display Encryption cipher
 get config                         -- Display Current AP Configuration
 get countrycode                    -- Display Country Code
 get ctsmode                        -- Display CTS mode
 get ctsrate                        -- Display CTS rate
 get ctstype                        -- Display CTS type
 get domainsuffix                   -- Display Domain Name Server suffix
 get dtim                           -- Display Data Beacon Rate (DTIM)
 get encryption                     -- Display Encryption Mode
 get extendedchanmode               -- Display Extended Channel Mode
 get fragmentthreshold              -- Display Fragment Threshold
 get frequency                      -- Display Radio Frequency (MHz)
 get gateway                        -- Display Gateway IP Address
 get groupkeyupdate                 -- Display Group Key Update Interval (in Seconds)
 get hardware                       -- Display Hardware Revisions
 get hostipaddr                     -- Display Host IP Address
 get ipaddr                         -- Display IP Address
 get ipmask                         -- Display IP Subnet Mask
 get key                            -- Display Encryption Key
 get keyentrymethod                 -- Display Encyrption Key Entry Method
 get keysource                      -- Display Source Of Encryption Keys
 get login                          -- Display Login User Name
 get minimumrate                    -- Display Minimum Rate
 get nameaddr                       -- Display IP address of name server
 get operationMode                  -- Display Operation Mode
 get pktLogEnable                   -- Display Packet Logging Mode
 get power                          -- Display Transmit Power Setting
 get radiusname                     -- Display RADIUS server name or IP address
 get radiusport                     -- Display RADIUS port number
 get rate                           -- Display Data Rate
 get remoteAp                       -- Display Remote Ap's Mac Address
 get rtsthreshold                   -- Display RTS/CTS Threshold
 get shortpreamble                  -- Display Short Preamble Usage
 get shortslottime                  -- Display Short Slot Time Usage
 get sntpserver                     -- Display SNTP/NTP Server IP Address
 get ssid                           -- Display Service Set ID
 get ssidsuppress                   -- Display SSID Suppress Mode
 get station                        -- Display Station Status
 get SuperG                         -- Display SuperG Feature Status
 get systemname                     -- Display Access Point System Name
 get tzone                          -- Display Time Zone Setting
 get uptime                         -- Display UpTime
 get wirelessmode                   -- Display Wireless LAN Mode
 get wlanstate                      -- Display wlan state
 help                               -- Display CLI Command List
 ping                               -- Ping
 pktLog                             -- Packet Log
 reboot                             -- Reboot Access Point
 run                                -- Run command file
 quit                               -- Logoff
 set 11gonly                        -- Set 11g Only Allowed
 set 11goptimize                    -- Set 11g Optimization Level
 set 11goverlapbss                  -- Set Overlapping BSS Protection
 set acl                            -- Set Access Control List
 set aging                          -- Set Aging Interval
 set antenna                        -- Set Antenna
 set authentication                 -- Set Authentication Type
 set autochannelselect              -- Set Auto Channel Selection
 set beaconinterval                 -- Modify Beacon Interval
 set burstSeqThreshold              -- Set Max Number of frames in a Burst
 set burstTime                      -- Set Burst Time
 set channel                        -- Set Radio Channel
 set cipher                         -- Set Cipher
 set countrycode                    -- Set Country Code
 set ctsmode                        -- Set CTS Mode
 set ctsrate                        -- Set CTS Rate
 set ctstype                        -- Set CTS Type
 set domainsuffix                   -- Set Domain Name Server Suffix
 set dtim                           -- Set Data Beacon Rate (DTIM)
 set encryption                     -- Set Encryption Mode
 set extendedchanmode               -- Set Extended Channel Mode
 set factorydefault                 -- Restore to Default Factory Settings
 set fragmentthreshold              -- Set Fragment Threshold
 set frequency                      -- Set Radio Frequency (MHz)
 set gateway                        -- Set Gateway IP Address
 set groupkeyupdate                 -- Set Group Key Update Interval (in Seconds)
 set hostipaddr                     -- Set Host IP address
 set ipaddr                         -- Set IP Address
 set ipmask                         -- Set IP Subnet Mask
 set key                            -- Set Encryption Key
 set keyentrymethod                 -- Select Encryption Key Entry Method
 set keysource                      -- Select Source Of Encryption Keys
 set login                          -- Modify Login User Name
 set minimumrate                    -- Set Minimum Rate
 set nameaddress                    -- Set Name Server IP address
 set operationMode                  -- Set operation Mode
 set password                       -- Modify Password
 set passphrase                     -- Modify Passphrase
 set pktLogEnable                   -- Enable Packet Logging
 set power                          -- Set Transmit Power
 set radiusname                     -- Set RADIUS name or IP address
 set radiusport                     -- Set RADIUS port number
 set radiussecret                   -- Set RADIUS shared secret
 set rate                           -- Set Data Rate
 set remoteAP                       -- Set Remote AP's Mac Address
 set rtsthreshold                   -- Set RTS/CTS Threshold
 set shortpreamble                  -- Set Short Preamble
 set shortslottime                  -- Set Short Slot Time
 set sntpserver                     -- Set SNTP/NTP Server IP Address
 set ssid                           -- Set Service Set ID
 set ssidsuppress                   -- Set SSID Suppress Mode
 set SuperG                         -- Super G Features
 set systemname                     -- Set Access Point System Name
 set tzone                          -- Set Time Zone Setting
 set wlanstate                      -- Set wlan state
 set wirelessmode                   -- Set Wireless LAN Mode
 timeofday                          -- Display Current Time of Day
 version                            -- Software version
 rg_cli                             -- Start OpenRG CLI
get hardware
wlan1 - get hardware
wlan1 revisions: mac 5.8 phy 4.4 analog 4.6
  PCI Vendor ID: 0x168c, Device ID: 0x13
  Sub Vendor ID: 0x168c, Sub Device ID: 0x13
chip is AR2312
wlan1 - version
AP software
Oct  9 2004, 02:58:06
rg_cli help
wlan1 - rg_cli
OpenRG help
   CLI Commands
exit                  Exit from the current cli
die                   <ret>
                      Exit from OpenRG and return ret
ps                    Print OpenRG's tasks
rg_conf_print         <root>
                      Print OpenRG configuration starting from root - use / for
                      the whole configuration
rg_conf_set           <path> <value>
                      Set OpenRG configuration path to value
rg_conf_set_obscure   <path> <value>
                      Set OpenRG configuration path to an obscured value
rg_conf_del           <path>
                      Delete subtree beginning at path from OpenRG configuration
rg_conf_ram_set       <path> <value>
                      Set OpenRG dynamic configuration path to value
rg_conf_ram_print     <root>
                      Print OpenRG's dynamic configuration starting from root -
                      use / for the whole configuration
reconf                <flash_delay 1(=NOW) to 4>
                      Reconfigure the system according to the current OpenRG
entity_close          <entity_ptr>
                      Close an entity
host                  <name>
                      Resolve host by name
fw_restart            Stop & Start Firewall & NAT
fw_start              Activate Firewall & NAT
fw_stop               Deactivate Firewall & NAT
fw_filter             0 - NAT only,  1 - NAT+filter
fw_dump               [-v] [-ah|-hi] [-c chain | -h address | -i index] [-pr|-ps|-ph|-pm|-pd|-pp]
                      Display firewall rule tree
fw_variable           [-v] [-a] [-i index | -n name]
                      Display variables of the firewall rules
fw_trace              Usage: fw_trace <code> - where code is 0 (off), 1 (full),
                      2 (partial).
flash_commit          Save OpenRG configuration to flash
restore_default       [-d] to avoid rebooting after
                      Restore default configuration
reboot                Reboot the system
log_lev_on            <severity>
                      Redirect rg_error output equal to or higher than severity
                      to the current console.

Severity level values
        0: Prints debugging messages.
        1: Prints
                      informational messages.
        2: Prints warning
        3: Prints error messages.
        4: Prints fatal
                      error messages.
        5: Prints fatal error messages and
                      reboots OpenRG.

log_lev_off           Stop rg_error redirection to the current console
rmt_upd               Remotely upgrade the box
rmt_upd_wget_close    Kill a remote upgrade process
rg_ifconfig           <details_level>

print_main_wan        Print the name of the current main wan device
cat_log               [fw|varlog] | e[#buf_num]
                      Print contents of log to console
bridge_info           Print bridge information
flash_layout          Print the flash layout and content
flash_erase           [-d] <section>
                      Erase a given section in the flash
flash_dump            [-s section | -r address] [-l length] [-1|2|4]
                      Dump the flash content
bset                  Configure bootloader
ifconfig              Configure network interface
ping                  <ip>
                      Test network connectivity
route                 Print route table
load                  [-u url] [-s section | -r address]
                      Load and burn image
ver                   Display version information
etask_list_dump       Dump back trace of all etasks
sys_ioctl             <char_device_type> <command>
                      issue openrg ioctl
help                  [category] to list commands in a category
                      Print a list of command categories
Returned 0
rg_cli, ver
OpenRG ver
Platform: Atheros AR531x
Compilation Time: Sat Oct  9 2004 02:54:41
Compilation Flags: DIST=AR2313_LIZZY
Returned 0
rg_cli, flash_layout
OpenRG flash_layout
Flash layout:

Section 00 Type IMAGE      Range 0x00000000-0x002E8000 MaxSize 0x002E7F6C
        Size 0x00186B9A Name 'Downloaded at: WED JAN 01 00:07:17 2003'
        Checksum 0x0C5D8D8E Counter 0x00000013 Start Offset 0x00000000

Section 01 Type CONF       Range 0x002E8000-0x002F0000 MaxSize 0x00007F6C
        Size 0x000015E9 Name 'rg_conf'
        Checksum 0x000AE8EF Counter 0x00000319 Start Offset 0x00000000

Section 02 Type CONF       Range 0x002F0000-0x002F8000 MaxSize 0x00007F6C
        Size 0x000015A9 Name 'rg_conf'
        Checksum 0x000AD3A9 Counter 0x00000311 Start Offset 0x00000000

Section 03 Type FACTORY    Range 0x002F8000-0x002F9000 MaxSize 0x00000F6C
        Size 0x0000027B Name 'rg_factory'
        Checksum 0x0000A406 Counter 0x00000023 Start Offset 0x00000000

Total 4 sections found.
Returned 0
rg_cli, ps
OpenRG ps
OpenRG PS:
eid=0x80585500  type=ENT_WDS    t=0x1b  ent_status=0x0  next=0x80585530
eid=0x80585530  type=ENT_URL_KEYWORD_FILTER     t=0x0   ent_status=0x0  next=0x80585580
eid=0x80585580  type=(null)     t=0x0   ent_status=0x0  next=0x805855f0
eid=0x805855f0  type=ENT_HTTP_PROXY     t=0x0   ent_status=0x805855d0   next=0x80585680
eid=0x80585680  type=ENT_RMT_UPD        t=0x0   ent_status=0x80585650   next=0x80585790
eid=0x80585790  type=ENT_CLI_SERVER     t=0x80585760    ent_status=0x0  next=0x80597000
eid=0x80597000  type=ENT_DHCPS  t=0x80596fb0    ent_status=0x805dd730   next=0x805dda80
eid=0x805dda80  type=ENT_RMT_MNG_SERVER t=0x0   ent_status=0x805dda60   next=0x805ddbf0
eid=0x805ddbf0  type=ENT_RMT_MNG_SERVER t=0x0   ent_status=0x805ddbd0   next=0x805dde90
eid=0x805dde90  type=ENT_SSI    t=0x805dde60    ent_status=0x805ddef0   next=0x805de020
eid=0x805de020  type=ENT_SSI_RMT_UPD_CGI        t=0x805ddfc0    ent_status=0x805ddf10   next=0x805de360
eid=0x805de360  type=ENT_HTTPS  t=0x805de2c0    ent_status=0x0  next=0x805de4f0
eid=0x805de4f0  type=ENT_TELNET_MASTER_SERVER   t=0x0   ent_status=0x805de4d0   next=0x805de560
eid=0x805de560  type=ENT_ROUTE  t=0x0   ent_status=0x805de540   next=0x805de650
eid=0x805de650  type=ENT_TODC   t=0x0   ent_status=0x805de600   next=0x805de6a0
eid=0x805de6a0  type=ENT_RIP    t=0x0   ent_status=0x0  next=0x805de8a0
eid=0x805de8a0  type=ENT_IGD    t=0x805de860    ent_status=0x805de880   next=0x805df9d0
eid=0x805df9d0  type=ENT_KLOG   t=0x805df9b0    ent_status=0x0  next=0x805e5210
eid=0x805e5210  type=ENT_SYSLOG t=0x805e5140    ent_status=0x805e51d0   next=0x805e5240
eid=0x805e5240  type=ENT_LOGIN  t=0x0   ent_status=0x0  next=0x805e52c0
eid=0x805e52c0  type=ENT_DDNS   t=0x0   ent_status=0x0  next=0x805e53c0
eid=0x805e53c0  type=ENT_ENTFY  t=0x0   ent_status=0x805e53a0   next=0x80289848
eid=0x80289848  type=ENT_FW_RESOLV      t=0x0   ent_status=0x0  next=0x802897dc
eid=0x802897dc  type=ENT_FIREWALL       t=0x0   ent_status=0x805e5980   next=0x805ae200
eid=0x805ae200  type=ENT_ERESOLV        t=0x0   ent_status=0x0  next=0x805af520
eid=0x805af520  type=ENT_DNS    t=0x805e5ad0    ent_status=0x0  next=0x805af900
eid=0x805af900  type=ENT_TIME   t=0x0   ent_status=0x805e5d40   next=0x0
name=br0        type=Bridge
  eid=0x80597000        type=ENT_DHCPS  t=0x80596fb0    ent_status=0x805dd730   next=0x805dda80
name=ae3        type=Ethernet
  eid=0x80595c30        type=ENT_DHCPC  t=0x805962f0    ent_status=0x80595c10   next=0x0
name=ae2        type=Ethernet
name=vp256      type=Wireless 802.11g Access Point
name=ppp0       type=PPPoE
Returned 0


User Images


Probable included PSU(s)

The pTrans WD411200500 was included with at least some of these devices.

FCC docs indicate that the Delta Electronics ADP-10SB Rev. B
may have bee included with other units (maybe).
pTrans WD411200500 (110-100-0095) (more)
Input: 120 VAC ~ 50 Hz, 0.1 A
 Input connector: NEMA 1-15P
Style: large, vertical
Output: 12 VDC, 0.5 A
 Output connector: barrel (center +)
 OD: 5 mm  ID: 2.3 mm  LEN: 9.5 mm

See also
